Chapter Thirty Two - You Feel Like Home

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"I don't think I do this much longer...." My voice almost a whisper through our bond.

"You can because you are so much stronger than this....they are trying to break you...that's what they do...what they are good at.." Bodhi reassures me, his golden shimmer caressing me.

"I can't.....I can't Bodhi."

"Yes you can because you survived things that were destined to break destroy you. The Wren Blackwell I know would be giving them hell. A few middle fingers and a couple of fancy words to call them but she would never let them win...." He was right, as much as I didn't want to agree.

"I taunted him....taunted Varrish. I'm reckless Bod....I'm going to getting everyone I love killed because I don't know when to back down....when to shut up.....he wants something from me...wants to use me somehow and for the first time in a long time I'm terrified. There is something evil deep inside of him....something that makes my skin crawl....something is wrong, I can feel it and I've got his attention."

The bond goes quiet for a moment before his golden shimmering wisps caress me once more. "What did he do to you?" He questions, his voice trembling.

"Threw some pretty hard punches....broken some facial bones, left some cuts. Nolon came. He healed me and Violet. I'll be okay Bod...I promise."

"I'm going to kill him." He states, I could feel the anger rippling through the bond.

"Not if I kill him first." Ryuu interrupts.

"No one is killing least not right now." I argue with the both of them.

Violet starts to wake, jolting up from the wooden bed she's been placed on.

"I have to go, Vi is finally awake." I tell them both.

"Hurry up and get this over with." Ryuu demands with a bit of sass.

"Trust me Sassy I'm trying." I roll my eyes. He chuts before leaving our conversation.

"Show them what you're made of. Reckless and all." Bodhi encourages, I felt empty the moment his golden rays leave my mind.

I look over to watch Nolon talking to Vi. "The vice commandant called me in to heal you and Cadet Blackwell." His voice drops and leans forward so only we can hear him. "So he can shatter you and her again and again until you break...until both of you break. I'm on orders to remain in the antechamber for the rest of your interrogation, which he's extended until tomorrow."

Dread knots my empty stomach. What have I done.....

"Is that normal?" Sawyer asks, leaning toward Vi and bracing his forearms on his knees.

"No," Nolon answers, holding Violets gaze. "He wants whatever it is you and Blackwell know...." He reaches for her hand and squeezes it lightly. "Is it worth holding on to?"

Violet nods her head in answer.

"Is it worth watching your squadmates tortured?"

She winces but nods again.

He turns his attention on to me, a small look of pity crossing his features. "I suspect whatever it is he wants with you is more than just information. He's got a fascination with you."

"I think he wants control over my signet." I suggest.

Nolon nods his head in understanding. Varrish like most high ranking officers want control. Want power. Imagine having someone with the ability to manifest any signet they come across....can wield immersible power with easy. If anyone knew that I could wield more than one signet at a time.....a shiver runs through my body at the thoughts of what they would do...what they would make me do. 

Only For A Moment // Fourth Wing x OCWhere stories live. Discover now