Chapter Twenty Four - Safe Places

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Bodhi's POV

RSC can fuck off. I haven't been able to concentrate the entire day. The moment I realized I couldn't feel Wren's iridescent light caressing me I went ballistic. Whoever made this new herbal mixture was a dead man walking, it's one thing to dull our connections to our dragons and signet but taking my connection to Wren away was gut wrenching.

The dread that filled me when I thought something had happened to her was terrifying....and for those few short minutes I finally understood how she's felt since losing Liam.

I can't stop the growing panic in the pit of my stomach knowing everything that could go wrong out there. I've done this course before, it was brutal and knowing that she doesn't have her connection to Ryuu or the ability to use her signet has me on edge. I atleast had mine.

Two fucking days....she's been gone for two days and I'm going insane.

"She's back" Nuri's announces.

I drop everything, taking off towards the path of the flight field. I just make it to the courtyard when I see that mess of wild curls only a few feet away. Her head snaps to my attention like she could sense me. That beauitful bright smile growing on her lips when our gaze meets. I take long strides making my way towards her.

My hand cups her face as my thumbs caress the soft skin of her cheeks, every rational thought was long gone. Relief floods my veins once I asses that she's okay. "Hi" she smiles even wider. "Hi" I say back, her round honey'd brown eyes softening.

"You're okay...." I trail off.

"I'm okay." She bites her bottom lip lost in thought for a moment.

"Tomas died.....Baide was waiting over the hill. I had a moment when I thought we might not make it out of that forest....I got scared for a moment, fear had gripped me and I worried what my death would mean for you..." She admits her eyes searching mine. Gods I wanted to kiss her.

"I may have destroyed my room when I realized I couldn't feel you anymore.....Ryuu told me that he could still sense you....hear's the only thing that kept me from completely losing it."

"Wait, you talked to Sassy?" Her brows were raised in shock.

"Yup. Apparently we are all connected."

"Wow...." she trails off.

I second guess what I'm about to say, in fact my stomach was currently in a triple knot. One of my thumbs slowly moves it's way over to run down the center of her full lips. It's taking every ounce of self restraint I have to not kiss her.

"Stay with me tonight?" I blurt out.

"Smooth...." Nuri's chuckle fills my mind.

"Tonight?" Wren questions.

"I've been out of my mind the last two days, I've barely slept...I just....I miss you." I admit watching the way her cheeks redden.

"Okay...." her voice was barely above a whisper.

Later that night after dinner Wren helps set up our blanket fort. She lets out the most adorable giggle when I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her into me as my head rest in the crook of her neck.

"Is it stupid how much I love building blanket forts...." She questions her fingers running through my hair.

"No" I answer without hesitation.

"I was never allowed to do things like this....blanket forts, catch fireflies, star gaze." I lift my head up seeing the pain flash in her eyes. "My parents were very disappointed to have a daughter. They believed girls were weaker....or at the very least, they believed I wasn't going to amount to much. Either way I learned at a very young age to make myself long as I stayed quiet, didn't cause any troubles than I was fine....I wouldn't get one of his lessons."

I winch at the way she said lesson. My stomach twisting...I didn't need to ask her to know her father abused her. Rage was filling my chest.

"I'm scared...." she pauses for a moment her lip wobbling slightly. "I'm scared that I won't let myself find love again......but I'm even more terrified at the idea of never finding someone to love me the way Liam loved me."

I brush her curls away from her face before my hand tucks under her chin tilting her up to meet my gaze.

"You are impossible not to love, Wren."

Tears start streaming down her face. "You're going to hate me...." she whispers. My brows pinch in confusion.

"Why would I hate you?" I question, my heart stops, my chest fills with uneasiness.

"I really like you.....more than you might think but I'm terrified because I know you want more than what I can give right now and I hate that....I hate that I can't be what you want.....and I don't want to ruin"

"But...." I trail off trying to take a deep breath.

"I'm also weirdly attracted to Ridoc and I don't know what to do with all these feelings." She admits. I'm not going to pretend that this isn't the worst possible thing I've heard. I've spent an entire year pinning over her, an entire year wishing I was Liam.

Wishing she was mine.

"Okay. Not exactly what I wanted to hear."

Her eyes snap to mine confused. "You don't hate me?"

Gods her puppy dog eyes were more than I could handle in this moment. Do I like hearing she's attracted to another guy. Hell no. But she said she likes me....more than I realize....she didn't say that about Ridoc.

"I could never hate you Wren."

"I just told you I'm attracted to another" She stumbles on her words.

"If you need to explore this attraction to Ridoc than you should.....I'm not going to stop you if that's what you need." My thumb runs down the center of her full lips.

"But just so we are clear, I'm not going anywhere. I'm after your heart mockingbird." Her eyes widen at the nickname....Liam's nickname for her. I have to admit it's perfect, she's perfect.

I lean in my lips brushing hers softly. She relaxes into me, her hands grasping at the nape of my neck pulling me in. I deepen our kiss, her mouth opening for me as I slide my tongue in to meet hers. Her small gasp filling my mouth when my tongue strokes hers....

I don't care how complicated this gets.....I still want Wren....I will always want her.

Our bodies pressed tightly together, my hands in her wilds curls before they move down her back, clutching her anyway I can. Every piece of my soul aches for her.

"Thank you" Her voice barely above a whisper as she pulls away.

"For what?"

"For being you....for being my safe place." She places a short soft kiss to my lips. My heart skips at her her kiss.

Those three little words on the tip of my tongue.

"Promise me you'll come back to me..." My eyes search hers, watching the way they soften when she looks at me.


Only For A Moment // Fourth Wing x OCWhere stories live. Discover now