Chapter Thirty One - Unbreakable Secrets

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A few months ago I was laying in his arms blissfully unaware that my life would forever be ruined. Liam's death felt like my soul had been ripped from my body. I was convinced if mates existed he was mine, it's the only way I could explain the excruciating pain I have felt everyday that he's not here with me.

My friends help, I don't think I would have made it this far without Violet, Rhi, and Sawyer. Ridoc has surprised me by his tender understanding, the jokester became a more serious guy that I needed. But it's Bodhi....he's the reason I'm here....the reason I've survived my grief. Bodhi spent all his free time holding me while I cried and telling me stories of Liam, I've become dependent on him. Those stories were something I desperately needed. He reminds me of Liam. His mannerisms...the way he says certain words.

Moving on feels like I'm erasing him somehow...erasing us. But there isn't a us anymore...death made sure of that. Grief is has a way of pulling you deeply back into the dark abysse.

Gods it's weird to truly like someone after losing the love of your life to death.

I use to love Saturday mornings, Liam and I would stay in bed all morning doing absolutely nothing. Instead I'm meeting up with Bodhi, Vi, and Riorson in the empty courtyard. Bodhi already told me that Riorson is trying to show Violet that she can trust him, so we are going to Basgiath's forge to see where they steal the weapons.

Bodhi wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug as my feet leave solid ground. His lips brushing mine in a tender good morning kiss. My stomach already fluttering. I brush back his dark curls from his face to get a better look at his golden brown hues. There's only one person who could make me move on from Liam and it was Bodhi.

"You still a hotshot now that you're away from Basgiath?" I question Riorson after Bodhi lets me back down making our way towards the tunnels of the flight field.

"Of course. Is your hot temper still making you reckless?" He questions with a smirk.

"Of course." I answer him.

"I heard about your spar with Trebor. Impressive." Riorson states giving me an approving nod.

"I've taken on bigger guys than him. He was just a warm up." He chuckles at my words.

"Cocky." He says lifting a brow.

"I'm confident not cocky. If I was cocky I would be insufferable like you." I retort.

"I like insufferable. It means people leave me alone."

"You've got a point." I smile agreeing with him.

"You two being friends is troublesome." Bodhi states next to me. His hand brushes mine before he intertwines our fingers together.

"Agreed" Violet says as they both high five each other. We turn into the staircase all of us stopping abruptly.

Major Varrish blocks our path. "Ah, nice to see you, Lieutenant Riorson." His smile is just as greasy as ever.

I try to keep the fear locked down. I know for a fact Riorson and Bodhi are carrying enough contraband to see them executed two dozen times.

"Wish I could say the same." Riorson retorts.

"Found them!" Varrish calls up the stairs. "Shouldn't you be headed over to the main campus, Riorson? Surely that's where officers lodge when visiting." His gaze flicking towards Violet before looking in my direction.

"Blackwell..." His beady eyes trailing up my body, he looked at me like I was some kind of prize he wanted to use. "With Duran again I see."

"There is nothing wrong about us spending time together. Our dragons are mated." Bodhi states his eyes narrowed on Varrish.

Only For A Moment // Fourth Wing x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora