Chapter Thirteen - Reunification Day

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I refuse to leave Liam in the infirmary. I wasn't going to leave his side ever again after today. I laid tucked into the side he didn't get stabbed with. My body shuddering with the memories of Jack pushing his sword into him. That familiar feeling of vile working its way up my throat overloads me before I'm jumping off the bed and finding a waste basket to hurl in. Once I'm done emptying the contents of my stomach I turn to see Liam sitting up looking concerned.

"I'm sorry....I keeps replaying in my head and I can't shake it." I admit tucking back into his good side as my chest comes to laying in the pocket of his chest and arm. "I'm sorry you had to witness that. If the roles were reversed....Gods I can't even let myself go there."

I place a hand on his cheek. I take a deep breath looking into those perfect sky blue eyes. He was here with me...he was safe...he was alive. It's going to be okay. We are going to be okay. My lips brush his in a slow sweet kiss.

I spent the better part of my night watching him sleep. I was scared if I finally let sleep claim me that I would wake up and all of this was a dream...that Vi didn't save him....that we weren't fast enough...I was so scared that all of this was some delusional state I brought myself into because reality was too much for me to handle.

The soft cadence of his breathing making his chest rise and fall was the only thing keeping me from completely losing it.

It's been a month and even though Liam is fully healed the memories of that day are far from gone. It's a nightmare that keeps repeated itself every night but instead of Vi making it in time she doesn't and I'm left watching the man I love die right in front of me. I can feel the concern coming from Liam everytime he looks at me. I've lost a good ten pounds from vomiting at the memories. I hate what I've become. This haunted version of myself replaying that day over and over again.

I try to keep up with the conversation at the table. Something about King Tauri coming here to celebrate Reunification Day. Not that I really care. Everyone turns to watch Riorson choke on his food. Garrick pounds on his back until he waves him off taking a sip of his water. We all look back at Violet in confusion but Liam and I know what's going on. He told me he had to help Riorson and Garrick move in a new armoire that her and Riorson ruined one night. I wish I could say I was shocked but the sexual tension between the two of them is atomic.

I don't even know how it snuck up on us. There were only ten days left before graduation. I've almost made it. A year I thought was going to kill me but I've made it. The only good thing about graduation is everyone being able to talk to their loved ones again. The only person I hope to hear from is Sorren. Liam finally gets to talk to Sloane, I can't even begin to describe how excited I am for him. He'll be able to give her all the letters he's written to her since we've been here and finally get to see her again when she comes to walk the parapet. Liam swears she's going to love me....I hope that's true. She's important to him which means she is important to me.

Later that night, I'm trying to adjust my skirt on my black dress uniform. I had absolutely no desire to celebrate Reunification Day but the idea of seeing Liam dressed up was enough to convince me to go. I leave my wild curls alone, letting them out of my usual bun. I chose the skirt with the high slit up the thigh solely based on giving my very hot boyfriend easy access.

I mess with my black satin sash that has my name embroidered just beneath my shoulder and a star of a first year. I meet Vi and Rhiannon in the hallway. "Hot" Violet says nodding to the both of us.

"I heard there's going to be a mob of infantry guys there," Nadine says as she joins us.

"Don't you prefer a little brain with your brawn?" Ridoc slides right in his arm coming around to drape over my shoulder like he always does. Sawyer is right by his side giving us all a warm smile.

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