Chapter Fourteen - Secrets and Lies

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My head is resting on Liam's chest as I listen to the steady beat of his heart. I was trying to fight the sleep that wanted to take hold of me. I haven't slept good in weeks....terrified of what's to come. Liam's fingers lightly brush up and down my spine, my skin breaking out in goosebumps.

"Wren?" his voice hushed. Worried to wake me in case I finally fell asleep.

"Hmmm" I answer. "I need to tell you something.....What's out there waiting for us." His hand stills as he tries to collect his thoughts.

"Waiting? I don't understand...." my brows furrow as I tilt my head to look up at him. His jaw was set....his body tense.

"Did your parents ever tell you stories about Venin?" I shake my head at his question.

"No they never told me stories....Soren. He read me a fable about a great evil that spread across the land as man became corrupted by dark magic and turned into creatures known as venin who created flocks of winged creatures and scourged the lang of all magic in the thirst for more power. It was the only story we had passed down from our great great grandparents....I guess it was his way of warning me against the dangers of too much power. But their just stories. Their not real."

"What if they are real?"

I sit up looking him in the eyes. There was no hint of teasing...nothing about the look he was giving me said this was all a joke.


He moves to sit up with me, taking my hands in his. "The stuff in your fables....the stories about Vennin. Their real mockingbird. They drained all the magic out of the Barrens and spread....Xaden, us marked ones....we've been supplying the gryphon fliers...." I flinch out of his grasp. My chest rising and falling with betrayal. "Ryuu..." I call out for him. "Just listen to him little bird." he urges me. My chest filling with panic as I try to control my breathing.

"The venin they are powerless when it comes to our wards. The power that creates our wards is the only thing that can kill them. That material is forged into weapons to fight them. Poromiel is being attacked just beyond our borders.....the gryphon fliers are doing their best to fight them but it's not enough....." He tries to explain. My mind was racing with so many questions.

"Why don't we know about this? Nothing has been said in Battle Briefs....I don't understand, why would leadership keep this a secret if people are being slaughter and we can help."

"Think about Wren......Navarre is safe inside the wards. Why would they willing forge weapons from those same wards to protect others outside of our borders...."

My mind was like one of those wheels that just keeps spinning. Everything I thought I knew...all of a sudden I'm second guessing if we are truly the good guys. My heart sinking to the pit of my stomach. How could we be good and just if we are willingly sitting on our asses when innocent people are dying. But if Riorson and Liam and countless other marked ones are risking their lives to help....that means...

"You couldn't tell me all this....because if I knew....if anyone would find out what I knew....the danger you and everyone else would be in....."

"The danger you would be in Wren.....I couldn't risk losing you. I watched them execute my own mother trying to help these people....I was selfishly trying to protect you. But you need to know Wren. You need to know what's out prepared for the day our wards fail. Because they will."

"Liam...." my hand reaches out to cup his face before a pound sounds on his door. "We have to go now" Bodhi's voice calls from the other side of his door. Liam quickly finds me a pair of his pants. As I try my best to fix them so they won't fall off my hips. Once we are dressed he swings the door open. Bodhi's eyes find mine instantly, he gives me a small smile before turning his attention to Liam.

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