Chapter One

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My fingers gripped the semi-slippery surface of the bathroom glass as I was railed from behind. My mind is hazy, and I can hear the faint beats of the music. The vibrations the music brought sent waves through me, making sex even better.

My head is pulled back by my hair, and I came. This feels amazing. I don't want it to stop ever.

"Look at you, such a whore." The man who's name I forgot, grunted into my ear. He shuddered, making my stomach flip.

He shoved my head forward, and my hand slipped from the glass to the sink instead. A loud moan tickled my throat as I came again.

It stopped, and I felt a hard smack on my left ass cheek. Belt buckle jiggled behind me as I exhaled.

I must have been so out of it because a, I could barely look at myself clearly, and two, someone walked in. A male.

He ignored me, going straight into the first stall. I'm still horny. I need more. Something bigger, harder, stronger. I need dominance.

I staggered, pulling up my underwear. I turn the faucet on, washing my face in my weakened state. I looked back at the stall, and it's only then I realized I'm the males restroom.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes. I went up to the stall, barely doing so into a straight line.

I knocked. "Hey... want to have sex with me?" It's a habit. A terrible one at that. I know the normal female would shy away from a man or cover her drink when she goes out to the club; but me...I'm different. And not in a good way.

Roofied or not, sex always comes first. The stall opened, and I fell inside. The man completely avoided me, which made me scoff.

"Asshole." It was a muttered mess. I stood to my feet and staggered out of the bathroom. Whoever he was, he was already gone before I stood.

I pushed my way through the crowd of sweaty bodies and eventually made it out into the fresh air. Despite my state, I could smell the rain coming.

I love the rain, mainly due to the fact that it enhances that burning urge inside of me.

My heels clicked against the pavement as I continued down the street of Paris. I have a love-hate relationship with this place.

It's not as good as it may seem on TV. It's got its cons, as does any other country or advertised state. I could care less.

About an hour later I reached my dusty old apartment.

"Regina, long night?" Austin asks. He's front desk, always interacting, always smiling, and always making sure that I'm okay. He only wants sex though. Fucking creep.

I reached my room door and popped it right open. If I know I'm going to have a long night like this one, I just leave everything I own home and my door open.

I get free drinks all the time, so why travel with money? I dropped to my bed, feeling nauseous.

I quickly pulled my hair up and puked on the floor. I'm a mess.


The bed rocked, and I gripped the sheets. Like I said, Austin is a creepy asshole, but goodness, I love what he gives me. A hard and painful fuck. How did I get here with the twenty-two year old college dropout?

I woke up to it. I only allowed it after the first time. I got so drunk he had to take me up to my room, where he took it upon himself to touch me without my permission.

I kept quiet about how it made me feel since I enjoyed it in the end and allowed it afterwards. CNC, they call it.

Ever since then, he would come up after closing, and if I'm asleep or passex out drunk I'd wake up to the best fuck ever.

Austin, dearest Austin, too young for me, but alright. Whoever he marries in the future... I pray for her.

I wailed a moan and squirted. My mouth hung open, and my muscles tensed up. My eyes rolled back as he continued his strokes to get himself off.

For twenty-two, he knows how to give. "Ah." Pain. "Austin." Finally, he pulled out.

"Sorry, Regina." He whispers.

"Fuck, you."

"I cleaned you up before I did. It took an hour since I also cleaned your room for you." He always does.

I rolled over on my back and looked at him. Austin's brown eyes set on me after he dressed himself in his shirt. He pushed back his brown curles, and his brows knotted.

A worrying gaze.

"Are you okay? Mentally?"

"You're the one who takes advantage of people in their sleep."

He looked away, probably feeling guilty about his actions. I watched him as he finished got dressed. I sat up, not caring about my bare skin being on display.

"I've known you for two years, and you seem to have gotten worse. You're never aware of your surroundings anymore and you come back more fucked up than before."

"I like sex Austin, what can I say?"

His lips pursed together and he sighed as if annoyed with my response.

"I know you're four years older than me. You're an adult, and God gave you free will-

I scoffed. "God?" Austin opened my bedside drawer, taking out a cigarette and a lighter.

"Yes. God." He mutters. "You're too pretty to be used."

He handed me the cigarette, and I took it, placing the tip firmly between my lips.

"I like it, though, being used." I took a puff of my cigarette and blew smoke as he stared at me.

"It's not healthy."

"I know."

"You shouldn't- you could get yourself killed or tract aids or something."

I snorted and reached under the sheet. Aids, herpes, and all of that other stuff I make sure to steer clear of. I'm not stupid after it comes to sex. I always test myself to make sure I'm clean, and I always make sure my little friend is there.

I exhaled sharply as I took out the rubbery protection. I raised it up, seeing a bit of the first guy's leftovers sitting in the condom.

I shot Austin a smile, and I'm sure he wanted to gag. He's a clean freak, and he always makes sure to wrap up. We never kiss either, which I could care less about. He's just that, a fucking creep with a desire that could lead him in jail if he tries that crap on anyone else.

"What the hell is that?" He gagged, literally.

"Female condom."

"A what?"

I shook my head. "You've got tons to learn still. But yes, they make these." I tossed it to the floor, and he audibly gagged again.

"Stop overreacting, I only got laid twice tonight. You being the second." I got up and tossed the cigarette onto the floor, stepping on it barefooted.

I smell rain. I went on the other side of the room where Austin was still standing and opened the window.

The sound, the smell, and even the feel of it is amazing. I need it. Sex.

I looked back at Austin, and he's now putting his shoes on.

"What time is it?"

He checked his watch and looked at me. "4:46." He informs lowly.

"Want to have sex?"


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