Chapter Twelve

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Wasn't I curious at a point in time? Yes, I was curious about whether my brother was a bigger creep than he portrayed. I remember finding out of his dislike of sex during my first ever evaluation. I was probably in my mid twenties then when he had first introduced me to the idea of wanting to fix my problem and "heal" me.

"Have a seat."

I took a seat on the black sofa, eventually laying down after a few seconds later.

"So, how was it?"


He grinned. "You'll get used to it." I looked at him as he wrote in the notebook he had in his hand.

"Does that shit turn you one or something? It's not common that grown twin brothers get to look at each other naked."

He is an hour older. But who cares? He's a fucking weirdo.

"What do you mean turn me on? Like watching you?" He asks.

"Yes, watching me."

"Why would that arouse me?"

Back then, I thought he was hiding behind a shield of some sort, but looking at it now, he seemed bored at my questions. Or maybe even annoyed. 

"You're the one watching me have sex with things and looking at me naked."

"Hmm, I guess from your perspective, that's what I am. But that's not the point at all. I'm studying your movements. What's different from yesterday? What expression are you going to make this time? Are your fingers going to twitch at something I say, indicating that you want to strangle me to death? I'm studying your actions."

He had summed it up perfectly for me to understand. But a part of me didn't believe him.

"So what turns you on then?"

"I'm not interested in sex, but rather about it." He responded.

I sat up. "Bullshit. Everyone gets aroused."

"I would assume. I can't speak for "everyone," though, just myself. The idea of sex amuses me. You amuse me. The way you react towards it amuses me. It doesn't arouse me. No, it just piques my curiosity. And that I can not fathome."

I had gotten up from my seat and strode over to him. He looked at me with curiosity and to see if the fucker was lying through his teeth and was just fucking with my head, I had kissed him.

And of course, he recoiled at my actions. He had stood up and backed away from me. The look on his face was pure repulsion. Like he had caught some sort of disease.

I remember him wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and glaring at me.

"Stay far away from me. I do not want to catch what you have." And he stormed out. I got punishment after that.

"You're so sick that you would try to seduce your own brother. Tch, how repulsive."

So yes, at a point in time, I was curious. I stopped caring about his sexual preference after the ordeal, though.

"You seem to have remembered." I looked at him, and he's smiling to himself. I just turned away from both Regina and him.

I don't like how she called his name. But now that he explained that she was just wondering if he was into this, I swept it at the back of my mind.


At midnight, like Matthew said, we were out of the room. I had a long hot bath, scrubbing myself clean. My body had turned red to get the muck and sperm off.

The water was a light gray when I was done too. Disgusting. But after the bath, I had taken a freezing cold shower. I don't know why, but I needed it.

After that I had been supplied with clothes in my new room. It was all white and grey clothing. Mostly comfortable clothing, which I didn't mind. But I did notice a lack of bra and panties.

I dried my hair and went downstairs to join them at the dining room table. Mark is on the left side, and I take my seat on the right side of the table. I don't want to be close to him right now.

He noticed this, frowning at the sight of me on the other side. Matthew just sat in silence on the far end of the table.

Mark got up, taking large steps around the table. He grabbed me up by my arm and dragged me on the other side, sitting me on the chair beside his. He took a seat and pulled the chair. I was sitting closer to him.

Mark set his hand on my thigh. I was, and I could feel his pinky brush against my clothed vagina. I swallowed hard and looked at him.

I then looked at Matthew, and my face was forced back into the other direction, a spoon with rice on it being forced to my lips.

I was hungry, but I didn't feel the need to eat. "Eat." Mark finally demands.

"I'm not hungry."

He stared long and hard at me.

"If she's not hungry, she's not hungry. Leave her alone." Matthew says. Mark still stared, the spoon not moving from my lips.

His dark grey eyes glared at me, and I challenged that look.

"Listen to your brother." Mark's eyes shift to Matthew and his jaw clenched. In the end, he left me alone. I can't believe that worked. But I noticed that anything Matthew says, Mark does, almost as if he's been brainwashed to do so.

"Well, I'll let you both rest in your rooms for tonight. Tomorrow morning, we start the next evaluation.

"And when can I go home?" I asks Matthew. I noticed how his eyes drifted to Mark.

"After the last form of the testing. For now, just rest up."


I couldn't sleep. I was itching on the inside. I hate how my brother messes with my feelings and my ability to think straight.

I got up out of my bed and left my room. I made my way down the dark and quiet hall. I stopped short at Regina's room and stood there for a while.

I stared long and hard at the door. I want her. I could feel myself get hard in my pants, making me shudder. I opened her door and walked in, closing the door behind me.

If Matthew finds out I'll be punished, I know I will. I hate that room the most, more than the white room. Nothing could compare to punishment.

Her room is as big as mine with a balcony and a bathroom inside. Her bed is huge for her small body. It was an innocent scene.

I walked up to her bed and stood over, looking down at her. She looks at peace. Her curly hair is pulled into a messy bun, and she's only in a shirt. I notice her pants are on the floor.

Maybe she got hot. Or maybe she had been touching herself before she fell asleep. The though it fueled me, and I huffed.

So innocent. So quite and peaceful. I took my pants off, kicking it to the side. My cock stood attention and it moved. I got in bed beside her, not caring if she woke up or not.

She smells good. I pulled the rest of the white, soft, blanket away from her body and raised her shirt. Her ass is on full display.

No panties? Had she chosen not to wear any? Had she known I'd come here? It didn't matter. What matters is that I'm here now.


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