Chapter Twenty-Four

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We sat there for a really long time unmoving. It had to be done. Matthew was a threat to the both of us. He was going to kill us both, I know it. I know it must be hard on Mark to see his brother go, but it had to be done. He had to be set free. This tether they had between them had to be cut loose.

Mark needed somebody and all his brother do was watch him suffer. He never cared for his brother, if he did he would have given him to a professional to deal with. It's sad it had to happen this way, but push came to shove.

"Mark...let me bathe you." I whisper. I moved and he kept his head down. I gently forced him to his feet and I was surprised that he didn't give me a hassle. Mark followed me up the stairs and to his room. I stripped him out of his boxers and shuffled him over to the shower.

I turned it on, making sure it was hot before easing him in. He hitched in a breath but stood unmoving. The blood drained from his hair and body and I noticed how much his body began to bruise. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to fight his own brother.

Matthew deserved it.

I washed him off with body wash and washed his hair. Under his left eye was left swollen, his left cheek is swollen, his lip is torn and there's a cut over his left eyebrow.

What I'm just noticing, is that Mark had no scars before this. I gazed down at his abs and traced my fingers along them. He's not hard and to be honest I'm not horny.

Maybe Matthew did heal us.

I helped Mark out. I dried him off carefully, I dried his hair and clothed him, which was a lot of work since he barely communicated with me. In the end I got all done.

I knelt in front of him, looking up. "Mark?" I call softly. "Mark we have to go, we can't stay here okay?" No answer. "I know what happened to Matthew was wrong but he deserved it. He tortured you and lied to you. He was going to kill you." Mark didn't respond and I stood to my feet, cupping his face.

I made him look up at me and finally those grey eyes were set on me.

"We have to leave, okay?"

Matthew stared at me for a minute and his brows knotted again. He sniffled and shook his head slightly.

"Thank you." He sobs. "Thank you so much." I hugged him and he hugged me back. All he needed was someone to be there for him and he finally got it.

"You're welcome."

After another while he stopped. "Ready?"

"I can't, Regina."

"You can. This is your chance to finally break free."

"I am free and he is too. Thanks to you."

I didn't understand but I guess in a sense I did. "So what now?" I ask.

"Regina...if I try to explain you might not understand. Just know that I am glad I found you when I did."

Mark gave me a kiss on the lips and smile. "What do you mean?"

"Go home Regina. Be normal."

"Why are you acting so smart all of a sudden?"

"Like I'll be complicated for you. But there will come a time where I'll explain. You're still young, you've got your whole life ahead of you still. Don't ask questions, just leave now."

"But..." believe it or not...I like him.

"Go. Be free, Regina."


When I got back Austin was sitting to the front desk on his phone. When he saw me it was like he'd seen a ghost.

"Regina. Where the hell were you what happened?" He stood up and I looked at him. He doesn't look any different.

"I have to call the police."

"Don't bother, I'm leaving again anyway."

"What do you mean leaving again? You've been missing for two months and suddenly you're leaving?"

Just two months? It felt longer somehow. "Yes, now leave me alone." I went up to my room and he followed me. I opened the door and it looked just how I left it.

"I couldn't let anyone get in. I missed you."

"I did too."


"Shocking I know."

"Where are you going then?"

"It doesn't matter Austin, I'm just not staying here." I can't. I need to set myself free, like Mark said.

"Can you at least tell me where you were?"

I sighed and looked at him. "To hell, Austin."


I stared down at the hole I had buried my brother. I know what he said about me being him and him me. To be honest, I did feel like him. The mind is so fragile.

I grabbed the shovel and covered him. After that I took a shower and cleaned up the house. Although this was my personal hell, I'm not sure I can leave.

I took a seat at the table and sighed. It's quiet. I'm used to being asked questions by Mark. Now that I think about it, I feel like I always knew something was off. But like I said, the mind is a fragile organ. One poke on the wrong vein up there and one might die.

I feel...unlike either of us right now. I don't know what to do, what to say, what to think. Mark practically did all of that for me. He was me. He knew me.

I'm sure if he was here he would ask, "How are you feeling?" or "What are you thinking?" My responses were sometimes the same. Sometimes they were different based on the events in my life.

"I don't know." I'd respond.

"How don't you know?"

"I don't know. Empty."

"And why do you feel empty, Mark."

Why do I feel empty? Tears stained my cheeks as I just sat there, looking at the empty seat across from me.

"Why do you feel empty, Mark."


"It's because you're gone."


The End

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