Chapter Twenty-Three

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Matthew took a seat on the chair and smiled. "Mark how are you doing today?"

The twenty-three year old shrugged. "Come on, don't be like that. Today is a great day. The house is finish so that means we're moving in." Matthew boasts excitedly.

"We'll continue the therapy sessions there to talk more about your problem."

"I don't have a problem."

"Mark you raped someone and killed them after. You're a serial rapist and a killer. Ever since your first victim you seemed to have gotten worse. You just don't care anymore do you?"

"I can't help what I am." He mutters.

"Hence why I built the house. I will give you the therapy you need to help you resist and refrain from sex."

"Tch, therapy?" He grinned. "I don't need therapy."

"You're right, you don't need therapy, but you sure as hell need capital punishment. I want to help you, Mark. That's what brothers are for."

"Did you help me when dad did it?"



"No, I don't want to hear it."

"I was a kid, we were both kids."

"Doesn't matter. Now I'm fucked up because of it."

Matthew exhaled and shook his head. "Would you at least allow me to show you the house and what it could do to heal your sexual tendencies?"

Mark gazed at his brother before agreeing. They were soon out the door and had driven three hours to arrive the house. Matthew's reasoning for all of this is was to not only help females, but to keep his brother held accountable for what he did.

They reached the house and Matthew was excited to show his brother the idea he's been cooking up for years. Mark's lifeless eyes studied the interior. He had to admit that his brother was always the smart one. Even when it came to their father.

He blames both his brother and his father for what he is now. If only Matthew had told the truth to his dad.

"Matthew, come here."

"I'm Mark...he's Matthew."

The biggest lie that day had made Mark a target to his father. He never knew why his dad wouldn't have wanted to touch him instead of Matthew. He didn't care, because at the end of the day it still happened.

"Okay so there are four rooms." Matthew begins. Mark paid close attention to what each room was for. The white room is to keep him mentally in check. The therapy room, for him to express. The punishment room, isolation. And the shock room, to wire his brain to normal.

Mark didn't like the idea of any of it. The thought of being locked into one of those rooms as some sort of pig didn't sit right with the man. Matthew turned to his brother and motioned.

"Well, what do you think?"

Mark looked around the room that holds the shock chair. To be strapped to something like that and lied to? His brother has him double fucked up if he thinks he'll have the upper hand in all of this.

Besides, it would Matthew that would have to do this, not him. If he hadn't lied he wouldn't be here.

"I think this is your hell."

Matthew gave Mark a look of confusion and he was punched by his brother. The man dropped to the floor and was pulled back to his feet and set in the chair. Mark strapped his brothers wrist and wiped his forehead.

Matthew panicked. "W-what are you doing?"

"Do you remember why dad chose me instead of you that day? It was because you said to him, "I'm Mark, he's Matthew." But since you want to be me so bad, I'll give you that wish."

Matthew shook his head. "No. No."

"Your Mark, I'm Matthew."

"No! Mark no! Don't do this."

He chuckled deeply. "It's like you said, brother, this is nothing but a little experiment. So prepare to be wired."


"Come on Mark, kill him. Set yourself free."

That word. Free. Matthew felt his eyes water. For years he's been living a lie. To remember at a time like this after it's all been buried for so long. He's not who he once was.

And pull something like that. A brother's revenge. Matthew looked up at knife in Regina's hand. The blade is sharp and it shined under the light of the kitchen.

Mark was right, he does need to be at peace. What his brother made him into after he was only trying to help is something he could never get back. He's not Mark at all. He never was and it should have never happened.

Matthew took the knife from Regina's hand and gazed down at his brother. Blood covered his face, making his features hard to look at. Matthew was never strong, but as Mark he was.

Tears fell from the man's eyes as he cuffed the handle. He raised the knife above his head and shook. He can't do it. It's his brother, someone whom he was supposed to fix but instead had been tricked by him.

He wants to get rid of him, to toss him to the side, but something's stopping him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't fix you."

Matthew felt a hand on his shoulder. "Do it." Extra hands wrapped around his knuckles and slowly the knife made its way down, and shortly...right into his brother's chest. The sound of muscle tearing and his brother's body going into a minor state of shock made Matthew feel an extra sort of pain.

Regina set his head onto her chest and caressed him as he cried his heart out. At least now he knows whom he really is.


Plot twist!

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