Chapter Nine

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I stayed seated in my chair as I waited for Matthew to be done. He was getting on my ass earlier about losing control and embarrassing him.

"If you do something like that again, I'll punish you. Do you understand me?" He had said. I could give not a fuck.

"Mark, come here." I hear my brother say. I got up, ignoring the throbbing I still have in my balls. I followed behind him in silence as he spoke.

"I'll be setting you in the white room for a week with Regina. We'll see how that goes for a week. Following that, you two will be let outside to have a bit of a run." I had no idea what he was getting at, but whatever it was, I just listened.

I have free will, I do, but Matthew is stronger than me. It may not seem that way, but he is.

We reached the other side of the house which he didn't show Regina the first day she came here. The house is divided into two, the front, and the back.

The front is any other normal house with rooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a living room, and bathrooms, but on the other side of the house is an entire hospital.

Long white halls and everything is glass. There are four rooms. The white room, for resistance, the shock room, for punishment, the noise room, and the one I hate most, the sex room.

It's painful. To be secluded in such an environment just to be placed in a room where you have to choose between your dignity or your pleasure.

I despise that room.

We reached the white room, also known as the padded room. He opened the door, and we both stepped on the other side.

"Strip." And I did, tossing the clothes out. He came in, motioning me to step further back. I did as he gestured and watched. Matthew looked at me and smiled.

"I think you'll hate me more for this." He pressed one of the padding on the wall, and a glass slid across, separating he from I.

"Oh? You're not angry?"

I know he's up to something. Something bad and unhinged. I won't feed into it. I'll stand here in my silence.

"You know I hate it when you get quiet on me."

Nothing. He exhaled. "I just want you to know that you can't break it if that's what you're thinking."

Still nothing.

"Hmm, I'll get Regina."


I had fallen into a deep sleep after crying. Remembering it all made me realize how much of a toy I really am to this world.

The door to the room opened and I looked up to see Matthew. He smiled gingerly.

"Regina, how are you feeling?" He asks, not stepping further into the room.

"Good." It was a lie. I felt terrible. I didn't want to be here either. I want to go back to my crappy apartment and back to my tiring job as I spend my time reminiscing about wanting to be fucked.

"Great, come with me." He motions with his head, still smiling widely. I got up, still buried into my thoughts, and followed him. Matthew lead the way past the chandelier that hung in the middle of the stairs and pressed something.

The walls parted and he motioned for me to step inside. I was utterly confused and a bit amazed by what I saw before me.

It was like stepping into another universe. White is everywhere. The halls, the walls, the doors. Everything was just white, and cold too.

If I was high, or maybe drunk to the core, I would of thought of it as heaven. Little that I know it would soon be a personal hell.

I didn't bother to ask questions about what everything was. I don't know why, but I'm not sure I was that curious about anything I was being shown.

Eventually he stopped, punching in a code. The light turned green and he opened the door, making me step inside. The room is a bit small and again, plastered with white.

On the right side of the room is like a cubical of some sort and Mark is inside naked.

His fists are clenched, blood dripping from his knuckles and onto the white. He looked angry, very angry. And he was hard too.

The first thing that came to mind was, "the fuck?"

"Regina, I want to get you up to speed about what will be taking place, but, I want you to get stationed first."

Matthew walked over to the transparent glass wall on the other side and opened it. The vibes is giving syfy. Nasa even.

"I would like for you to strip and get in please."

I looked at him, my brows dipping. Noticing my reaction he laughed. "Don't worry, it's all part of the process. You'll be out before you know it."

I looked back at Mark and he's glaring at Matthew. I'm even sure he huffed. Nonetheless...I got naked.

"Go on." He motions. I went on the other side of the glass and the door shut closed. I gazed over, looking at the glass divider between Mark and I. It's got blood on it due to Mark obviously punching it.

Indestructible glass?

"Good, now that the two of you are stationed, I will get into it. Mark already knows what this room is about but I'll explain it all for you Regina. This room is known as the white room, some call it padded." He begins.

"The both of you would be here for a week and

"I'm sorry what? A week?"

"Time will pass."

"You say I'll be out before I know it."

"You agreed to this Regina. Let's not forget that."

He's right, I did agree to this. To be fixed, to be "cured."

"Now, you two will be here for a week. This room is called the resistance room. Of course, I drugged the both of you with a sexual stimulant I made myself and it shows to be very effective. Yours wouldn't kick in until the next five minutes since you took a while to eat." He explains.


"Mark is already in his stages, hence why he got angry with me. He's got ADHD so he's forgetful sometimes."

Mark just glared. "The drugs lasts for about four days and the other days you two would be opened to each other. But, just see how much you two can resist."

"This is sick. We're not lab rats." Matthew grinned and stepped closer to the glass.

"Yes, you are."

I could hear my heart beating and suddenly is felt hot. Oh no...whatever it is is finally kicking in. I could feel it. My clit throbbed and my tongue dried, making me swallow.

"Ah, there it is. You feel it don't you?"

I exhaled. I could feel it alright. I've never taken drugs to boost my horniness, but if this what it feels like...why haven't I tried it sooner?

I exhaled heavily and bucked my hips. What the hell did he do to me?

"No...I don't like this feeling." I say. Feel like I'm about to burst. "Fuck." I need it.

"Let the tests begin."

And I need it now.


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