Chapter Sixteen

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When I woke up, my head was throbbing. I tried to move my arms, but they felt wrapped down. I turned onto my back, and I was immediately uncomfortable. My hands.

I sat up, looking at myself. Is this a fucking straight jacket?

"Don't panic."

I look up to see Matthew sitting on a chair opposite the room of this glass cage he's stuffed me in. I hate him more than the other twin. There's something about his demeanor and expressions that makes me want to just lash out.

In the end, I sighed. "What, the absolute fuck, is wrong with you?"


"Why did you have him chase me? You told me I could go home."

"Is that what you really want?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Yes! Do I have to fucking spell it out for you?!"

"Calm down, Regina, you'll go home after the tests."

I couldn't help my hysterical laughter. "Fuck you and these tests."

"Hm. You're being bratty."

I wiggled around in frustration, hating the fact that my hands aren't where I want them to be. Felt like I couldn't breathe either.

"Is the jacket uncomfortable?"

I won't even answer him. If I do, I'll only lose my voice. My forehead touched the glass, and I began thinking about everything. I shouldn't have agreed to any of this. But I don't want to feel the way I do when I find someone attractive.

"I'll give you a week in this room. All you have to do is sit back and listen."

I didn't respond. I could care less about what it is he's talking about. Sit back and listen. To what, him talk? I was wrong, though. The white room suddenly turned a dark red, making me look up.

Then sound. Moaning sounds. I frowned, thinking about how ridiculous this was getting.

"What kind of doctor are you?"

Matthew got up and set his clipboard onto the chair. "I'll get you some water. You must be thirsty after your run." He left the room, leaving me in here to endure this hell.

It was fine for the first ten minutes, but it quickly turned into something I loathed. Matthew returned with my water, but it was in a bowl. He opened a latch and slid it in the cell I'm in.

He's got to be joking. He thinks I'm some sort of dog now? I didn't drink it, I left it there.

After an hour of listening to two people have sex and feeling clustered in my straight jacket, I finally drank the water like I was the first human dog.

I sucked it dry, wanting more. I kicked the bowl against the glass, and it just made a low, "pang" sound. I sat against the padded wall and tried to distract myself from the sound. Again, I had no idea what he was getting at, and I didn't care. This was better than the first room.


Or so I fucking thought. He drugged me again, that bastard. I should've known better than to drink that water. Now I'm sitting in the corner of the room, sweating and breathing heavily as I rub my legs together.

It didn't work for me. I need to be touched. The sound of her begging and his grunting. The smacking, moaning. Everything turned me on.

"Matthew... Matthew, help me, please." I bet I sound pathetic. I'm begging for it. But he ignored me. He did nothing but ignore me.


Three days went by, the red lights returned to its natural white, but the drug didn't wear off, and my horniness was at a new peak.

"Get me out! Get me out of this fucking jacket!" I screamed. That's all I've been doing for the past three days, shouting, crying, begging, and screaming. All to be let out so I could properly touch myself and reach an orgasm.

Matthew just observed and wrote things down. He wouldn't be in here long. He would leave to do other things and would come back every hour for thirty minutes. He made sure to keep me up with time.

Not that it mattered in my situation.

I rest my head against the glass and sobbed. It's my daily routine. "Please, Matthew. Please? I'm sorry for shouting, just please send Mark."

Matthew got up a minute later and left the room to endure more of what I needed right now. Sex.

"Come on Regina...just breathe." I exhaled a breath, trying to calm myself down. "It's not that serious, calm down. Don't think about it." It was working, kind of.

As long as my mind wasn't on the moaning and spanking in the background, I knew I would make it through this.

I had succeeded too, to go so deep into my mind that I began to disassociate myself from this world. I was free for a moment. Maybe I was passing out or finally falling asleep. It didn't matter once I was free from the brain torture on the surface.

A hand hit the glass, startling me. I fell to my side and huffed. The noise from the speaks in the walls somewhere came to a slow and it got quiet.

"Mark is here." Matthew informs. The sound of the ocean's wave crashing onto the shore killed my ears. Another audio played, something more slow and romantic.

He's trying to drive me insane.

"I want you, Eric, make love to me."

"Anything for my love."

I forced my eyes open. Standing by the glass, naked and hard, was Mark. I lied there, staring at him as he looked down at me. I was in and out of sleep.

I heard footsteps, and my hands felt free finally. I was pulled up by my hair to stand on my knees. Something pressed against my lips, and I sighed.

"I'm... tired." I set my blurry gaze on the person in front of me and saw abs. It's Mark, I knew it was. He tipped my chin, tracing his thumb over my bottom lip.


And I did. I obeyed and did what I was told. It wasn't the best choice, but it was the only choice. And for two hours, Mark would use my mouth to please himself.

Um Charles anyways so

𝑺𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora