Chapter Eighteen

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I've been let out of the room and showered and was finally presented food. I didn't care how I ate, I'm starving. And the food is good at least. I looked around the table and noticed that Mark is missing. Earlier, before, Matthew showed up Mark kept crying.

It was strange to see him cry. I had no idea what he was on about but I didn't care then. But thinking about it now, I want to know why he of all people was so upset.

"Mark is asleep. He'll be fine." Matthew says, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him, swallowing my food. He's staring at me.

"I could tell you were thinking about him."

"W-um...have he eaten?"

"He's asleep."

I didn't like the tone in Matthews voice. To be honest it made me uneasy. Almost like I afraid of him.

"Oh, okay. But when can I go home?"

"We still have two more tests to run by. So after those, I'll give you your freedom."

"Can I at least catch a break? I think I'm starting to come down with something."

"Sure, I'll give you three days to catch a rest. Right after we get to work."

I nod. "Okay." It got quiet I wasn't hungry anymore. I feel strange. And a bit sick too. 

"Do you want to see Mark?"

I sent him a look. "Why would I want to see Mark? He made me cut myself and I fell down a hill."

"He told me. He looked worried about you."

"Tch, sure."

Matthew exhaled. "You know what. I just had a break in my case. After your three days you can go home for as long as you like. But after we must finish the tests. You're doing better controlling your urges."

I laughed. "No, I'm not doing better, all you ever do is enhance them and it hurts."

"But it makes you recoil, no? Think about touching yourself right now, do you want to?"

I ignored him. "Answer me."

"Fuck you Matthew. You're nothing but a creep who likes to watch his brother have sex with people." I grinned. "You like that shit, you're just hiding the fact that you do."

He tilt his head. "I already told you I do not have any interest for arousal. It does not benefit me."

"Bullshit virgin speech. Let me be all of your firsts, I swear it'll change your mind."

"I assure you it won't."

"Then let me test you. Since you like to give tests so damn much have a play at your own game. Or are you scared?" When he didn't answer I cackled. "You're a pussy."

"Fine. But I know it won't work."

"We'll see."

Matthew sighed and tapped his finger on the table. His body language gave me annoyed and bothered. He doesn't want to do this. I got up and stripped out of my clothes.

His eyes stared into mine and I smiled. I might actually have fun with this. "For someone that doesn't get aroused, or anything of the sort. You're making me do this. Makes it known to me that you are curious and you're just too phony to admit it."

I reached in front of him and still, he just stared.

"Whatever you assume."

I took his hand and eased him out of the chair. I want a better scenery for this. I lead us to the therapy room and pranced over to the couch.

"Why here?"

"Because you are about to express yourself." I shoved him to the chair and straddled him. He looks exactly like Mark. Of course he does, they're twins after all. I grabbed his hands, resting them on my ass. I was being turned on already.

"Turned on yet?"

"No. In fact I'd rather be taking notes."

"You're such a fucking fake Matthew. I know it. Every time you leave abruptly, do you go to jerk off in secret?" I unbuckled his pants. "Take your pants off."

"No. This is as far as I'll go."

I gave him a kiss on the neck, then his cheek. Before I could kiss him on the lips I felt a hard smack on my ass, making me gasp. I looked at him and he's glaring.

"Don't you dare put your whorish mouth on mine."

I laughed. "You like this. I know you do Matthew. I study you too you fucking bastard." I stroke him, staring into his eyes. He's soft.

"Come on Matthew, show me your true colors. You think as a forty three year old man you would never get aroused? Not even as a teen? Bullshit."

Matthew exhaled heavily. "You're wrong."

"Focus on it then." Then I felt it. I fucking knew it. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Good boy." I mock. He was getting harder and his breathing picked up.

Matthew grabbed both my hands and forced them behind my back. He held my wrists tightly and I'm sure it stopped my blood flow.

"You don't get to do that."

I rocked my hips against his shaft and he flinched. Matthew held my hands with one hand and used another to grab my hair back.

"Don't do this to me Matthew. You know you want to fuck me. You said so yourself I have a perfect body. So explore it. I'm already turned on Matt, so just fuck me already."

And finally, he broke. Matthew let me go and threw me off of him. He kicked me in the stomach, making me throw up instantly. He shoved me on my back and stomped onto my bandages womb that I got from hopping the fence.

I screamed. He did it again, and again, and again. I had no time to fight back. A kick to my face, and a few more kicked to my stomach. I heaved, trying my best to catch my breath.

"You don't ever get to decide! You're the sick one here, not me! You ungrateful whore!" Matthew grabs a fistful of my hair and he began dragging me out of the room. I struggled up behind him in tears.

What the hell is wrong with him? Matthew led me to a room and set me onto a chair. I felt straps on my wrist and then my ankles. He grip my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"You're gonna be punished for what you just did to me. It would make you think about ever doing that again. Understand?"

" liked it."

"No I didn't. I never have and I never will."

I shook my head. "Stop lying to yourself. It's okay if you want to fuck. Nothing wrong with that."

"I will not become the two of you."

A tv turned on and on screen was something that made me annoyed. It was a recording of a montage porn video.

"Get a good look at the screen, Regina." He got behind me and I felt something on my temples. "Remember how bad that is for you, every time you want to have sex, refrain from it and you'll be perfectly fine."

And then... electricity.


Mans is scared to admit defeat

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