Chapter Seventeen

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Regina passed out. I pulled my cock out of her mouth and watched her fall to the floor. I overdid it again. It wasn't anyone's fault but my brother's. He made me slack around for three days. I had asked him about Regina multiple times over, but he always dismissed me.

I hate this feeling. I knelt down to her, undoing the jacket my brother has her trapped in. I remember this room. He would replay the same thing over and over and over again. He'd strap my hands down in the same jacket and then drug me after day three.

I felt defiled as a human being. I thought over and over again that being a sex crazed maniac, was all I could ever be. And I am, even though sometimes I'm not.

I set her in my arm, wiping her face and mouth with the jacket she had on. Like I said...I overdid it.

The noise in the background stopped and the lights in the room turned a dark pink. I looked up, not understanding it.

"Mark." He calls. I gave him a look. I loath this man, if I had known we would be this kind of twin duo I would've ate him in the womb.

"Can I ask you a question?"

I stared at him. He asked me...for my permission on something? I mean he's done it before, but this feels different. Maybe because we're not in the therapy room.

"What is it?"

"I need to be answered directly. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes." Because I'm curious.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"...explain to me what love is then maybe I can answer."

"Hmm. It's a feeling, brother. Love in my opinion, is the emotion that can make anyone feel calm and sympathize with another person. Love can make a person do things they've never done before, or say things they wouldn't never think about saying. People who are in"

Hearing the explanation, I thought about it. Love. No, I've never been in love. I've been here with him all my life. The only time I got with other girls was if he allowed it. And the other stem from the monster I am.

I only crave women. So no, I've never been in love.


"You know how you crave sex? Love is also a type of crave. It's a crave for wanting to make sure that the person they're in love with, never gets hurt and even when they do, they always make sure that their lover is okay."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Do you love, Regina?"

There was a silence. I looked at her. She's still sleeping, which is good. She looks terrible from the first time I saw her though.

"Think about the explanation and then think about Regina. Would you consider it as you being in love with her?"

Do I love Regina? I can't love Regina, I barely know anything about her. Except for the fact that we're the same. I'm not sure if I love her, I just understand her.


"Why do you say no? Do you not care about her? Usually you wouldn't tend to the person you blatantly take advantage of, yet here you are, giving her after care after two and a half hours of face fucking her. It's unlike your nature."

"What's unlike my nature?"

"To care."

Again I looked at Regina. Could it be true? That I'm in love with her? My brother is right, I normally don't do things like this and even refrained from touching her after I found her.

"Does love include...fear of them dying?"

"It does. Are you saying that you think that Regina may die and you're afraid of that? Just like Kathy."

"Where is she?"

No answer.

"Tell me where the hell is she!? You can't keep doing this to me!"


"Or Sabrina."

No, no, no, no no. No. No! This is all the same again. It's always been the same. Matthew smirked. "There you are. You remembered now don't you? What that feels like?"

I laid Regina down and stood to my feet. "Let me out."

"Why should I? You are proof that what I do, works."

I shook my head and felt this sudden wash of fear. It felt earlier when he told me to get Regina. No, no it feels like that time when dad would favouritise me instead of Matthew. I felt that fear. The kind of fear when your sweat is cold and when your stomach opens up.

"Matthew let me out." I'm scared.

"Answer my question first. Do you remember now, how far this goes?"

"No, stop, you're confusing me." I don't like that; to be confused. It splits me in two sometimes. "Let me out. Now!"

"You're scared." His voice was soft.

"Let me out. Let me out!" I watched as he got up from his seat and I thought he was going to let me out but instead he left the room.

"Matthew? Matthew! Let me out!!" I punched the glass and I felt my knuckles burn in pain. "Matthew!"


When I woke up my head was spinning and my jaw felt numb. But that wasn't all, my limbs were free. They felt like jelly but at least I could use my hands. I sat up, my stomach rumbling to remind me of how hungry I am.

The first thing I notice was the pink lights in the room and sitting on the far left in corner, clutching his hair with his head down, is Mark. Who else would it be?

Another good thing is that it's quite. I lift my tongue and swallowed. It's hot and I'm starving. What I don't get is why Mark is in here still.


He didn't answer. To be honest I don't think he realized that I was talking. I winced in pain due to my leg and my head. Everything hurts. I crawled over to him, touching his foot. Mark snapped his head upward, looking me in the eyes.

He's crying. He's actually crying. I don't think I would have ever seen this side of him. The sight made me chuckle lightly. The fuck is he crying about?

"Are you crying? Thought you killed me or something?"

He didn't answer, instead he let his tears fall in silence. My smile dropped and I looked around. The room is empty and Mark is still naked.

"I..." I return my gaze and he sniffed. To see a grown ass man cry like this is actually hilarious. Worth it if I do say so myself. But he looks genuinely sad.

"I'm scared." Mark sniffled again and I sat up, careful not to hurt myself again.

"Of what? Prison?"

"Matthew." He says in a hushed tone. Of course he's scared of Matthew.

"He's a pussy. All he does is starve people and lock them in glass cells."

"No, you don't understand. He wants to kill you Regina. He wants me to do this again." This time he was sobbing and he rocked back and forth. The hell is he on about?

"Do what again?"

Mark clutched his hair and screamed. He's more lost than I am. "I can't do this again...not again." As Mark muttered and sobbed to himself I could only wonder.

Do what again?


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