Chapter Twenty-Two

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I got up and was careful since my body was all bruised up. Mark had left the room in silence after I told him about Matthew. Matthew is worse than Mark. He's a sadistic, unhinged, rapist. Nothing about what he did to me turned me on in a way I liked.

There were times I wished he has succeeded in choking me to death. It all never happened though, which I loathed.

I'm not sure I could have taken it any longer in this room. I can only imagine about what Mark might have went through in this room. I remember when Matthew mentioned the room and Mark froze in fear upon hearing it.

I could see why he did. This is torment. Mental, physical and emotional torment. Nothing about this screams healing. It just brings more baggage with it. I left the room and made my way to the front of the house to head upstairs and take a shower.

I heard things shatter and screams. I hugged myself, dragging myself into the open. I saw them fighting each other in the middle of the living room. Mark, or Matthew was on top of the other punching like there was no tomorrow.

Matthew, or Mark, the one with the disadvantage bucked his hips, throwing the other off of them, switching sides. They could kill each other I don't care.

I went upstairs and finally reached a room. It was mine. I went to the bathroom, turned on the hot shower and sat under it. The water stung my wounds and pelt my skin.

I broke down in tears. I sat there under the Ayer crying my eyes out. I should have never agreed to this. I should have stayed messing with locals and dealing with Austin's shit.

I miss him. I miss Austin. I hate admitting that I do. It makes me seem even more messed up, but at least in some sense he cared.

I'm not sure how long it was that I had there crying but eventually I got out. I didn't bother turning the shower off I just left it running. I dried myself and changed into fresh clothes. I dried my hair and brushed my teeth after weeks.

I felt less dirty, but I was still in pain. I left the room and mindlessly went back downstairs for something to eat and drink. They were no longer in the living room but everything was flipped over, splotches of blood was in some places. Like the rug, the walls, the couch.

I didn't care.

I could hear them too, but I can't see them. It's for the best. I went to the dining room and there they are, still fighting. This time weapons are involved. I'm not sure who's who now due to their hair being down.

I went past the dining room and into the kitchen. I pulled the fridge and I ate from there. Grapes, strawberries, carrots, yogurt, bread. It felt like a last meal for me. Again, I didn't care.

I ate and I drank whatever the fridge had to offer me. The kitchen door was slammed into, causing me to look back. The both of them are inside now, dripping with blood and sweat. I backed away, not wanting to get in the way of family feud.

"It's you, you're the problem Mark. Now stop being stubborn!" Matthew screams, making it known to me which is which. Matthew is holding a shard of glass. He's clutching it so hard that blood dripped from it. I'm not sure he cares.

He swung the knife and Mark back away in time. Oh, so Matthew's winning. How disappointing. I gazed over to the sink and saw a few knives in the holder.

"You were nothing but an experiment anyway. And now I have to get rid of you in order for me to live in peace." Matthew jabbed again and Mark backed away.

I took the knife from the knife holder and studied it. I've never killed a man before, sure didn't think about it. Killing someone on the whole. In this situation, I think it would be all the more liable that I do.

Everything they've put me through, especially Matthew. Matthew lunged at Mark and Mark stepped out of the way, bringing his foot up to Matthew's stomach.

So it was Mark that was winning.

Matthew toppled over and puked. Mark kicked Matthew in his face and the man fell flat. He was still mumbling on and writhing about. Mark straddled his brother and punched him. Over, and over and over again.

I gazed at the knife and went over to him. Just an experiment he said. The both of us, experiments. I'll show him exactly who's an experiment. I caught Mark by the wrist, stopping him from landing another punch.

Blood coated his knuckles and dripped to the floor. Mark looked up at me and his brows knotted.

"Here, kill him Mark, he put you through hell. Set yourself free."

Mark's eyes drift to the knife in my hand and stared for a while. "Do it Mark. Kill him."


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