Serena Sleeps Through A Hell Of A Lot More This Time

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Alec and Izzy were in a daze as they walked into the ops centre and down the stairs, unsure of what to do or how to even find Serena if she was dead and untrackable. They had yet to break the news to anyone else - they didn't even want to think about how they were going to do that. How were they supposed to tell Maryse, Max, and even Imogen - how were they going to tell the Downworld that their Envoy was dead? At least those had been their biggest problems when the windows shattered.

The stained glass windows above the stairs were shattered with nothing but a massively powerful gust of wind. Alec covered his sister with his own body as other Shadowhunters dived for cover and when they all looked up at the light of the rising sun shining through the hole, they saw wings flapping.

Many Shadowhunters were turning to their fellow comrades as they tried to ascertain if they were hallucinating the same thing or not as a pair of wings that were attached to a male figure flew through the hole where the shattered glass had been. Murmurs broke out about the angel that stood before him as Shadowhunters started dropping to their knees, bowing their heads in the presence of one of the very divine beings they served. Except for two people.

"Serena!" Alec cried as the glass crunched under his boots and he rushed up the stairs to where Ithuriel held Serena's body in his arms. Izzy was right behind him, both of them trembling at the sight of the hole in her chest and the blood that covered her chin and bottom lip.

"Alec Lightwood," Ithuriel spoke and Alec finally gave his attention to the angel that gave Clary, Jace, and Serena their powers.

"Yes, sir," Alec said as he straightened his spine and bowed his head to the angel.

"My name is Ithuriel," he spoke. "I apologise for the pain that has befallen you and your sister at Serena's death, but you must know that it is not her time to die."

"What do you mean?" Izzy dared ask, not quite believing that she was conversing with a living angel.

"It was not the will of heaven for Serena Herondale to die. It may take a few days but you must take care of her," Ithuriel explained as he went to hand over Serena's limp body and Alec physically felt a piece of his very being shrivel up and die as he held his wife's dead body in his arms, the sight too reminiscent of the time he nearly killed her.

"You're saying she's going to come back?" Izzy asked, tears lining her eyes as she brushed the hair from her sister's face and Alec could do nothing but stare at his dead wife.

"I am saying that her destiny was not to die. I am afraid that is all I can say on the matter."

Alec finally looked up as a single tear trailed down his face. "Thank you," he said. "Thank you for bringing her back to us."

"I owe her a life debt. It was the very least I could do," Ithuriel said before he turned to the bowed Shadowhunters and flared out his wings. "Nephilim of the New York Institute, rise," he ordered as they rose to their feet. "On this night, Serena Herondale saved my life. I should hope that each and every one of you try to live up to her example in more ways than one," he said cryptically before he turned and he became nothing but a ball of white light as he shot for the heavens.


"Serena," called a voice and Serena blinked the room around her into existence. It wasn't even a room - just endless white in every direction and if not for her golden hair and striking blue eyes, Serena may have faded into the landscape as she was dressed in an ethereal white gown with her hair flowing down her back. Her hands instantly went to her chest as she felt her heart beating safely inside her chest where it should be. Only then did she look up and beheld the figure with blinding white wings and an impeccably tailored leather breastplate that was fitted to his chest, a sword also strapped to his waist..

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