Been a long while, hasn't it ?

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Hello Lovely folks that are still waiting for this story to ever be updated, how y'all doing ? It's been quite the long time since I've uploaded anything on Wattpad hasn't it ? To be fair I've completely forgotten about Wattpad until not long ago, been reading Haringrove cause I'm rewatching Stranger Things and I love them so much. Anyway, I've looked through the Prologue and Chapter 1 and I don't really like how I've wrote this shit. I don't get how y'all like this 😭😭😭

So, uhm, I was thinking... How about I rewrite ALL chapters (when I'll have time lmao), changes things up (mostly the Asta x Leo, they got together WAY too fast HAHAHAHAH) deleted some useless shit and add more context on things. How about that, do we have a deal ? Lemme know 👀

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