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Meanwhile in the Forest

Kyle and his friend Kaito rushed back to the village to announce Asta's 'return'. When they arrived in the village, the news quickly came back. Because, a hybrid child Demon -God was never heard somewhere before.

"Grand-Master, Grand-Master, Asta is back!" Yelled Kyle in the middle of the village to inform but also confirm the rumors.  Across the village you could hear whispers like "Asta would be back?! It's a miracle!" But the Grand-Master already 'knew' that. "Calm down Kyle, I already know that. Remember what the Legend says, 'A Hybrid child born from a love of Demon and God will be born in the lands of Spade, will live in the lands of Clover and then live in a forest until he finds his Soulmate. Then return.'" These words make Kyle's excitement disappeared. "I know that, but I wanted to be close to Asta, I don't care if I'm treated like a pet, I just want to be with him..." He whispered sadly, he didn't care if Asta was a Hybrid child or whatever, he just wanted to be with him as part of the family, to be a little brother to Asta for example. "What did you say to my child, I didn't hear." Asked the Grand Master, confused by his bad hearing.  Kaito, who had been there from the beginning, heard Kyle very well. But Kaito, saw Asta differently, him and the rest of the village, saw Asta as a Divinity. The Village's protector. "I didn't say anything, I know that before the creation of the village, his ancestors protected us and offered us a home..." He answered with an even sadder air than before. But he is certain to succeed in realizing his dream.

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