Chapter 2- Homesick

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*long chapter*

(One month later)

Y/N's POV:

I had been hanging out with Jihan more and I made good friends with Dami. She was closed off but around me, she changed. I guess I made her feel comfortable enough.

"Hey, Dami Unnie?" I asked and she rolled on the bed to face me.

"What's up?" She asked and I held two shirts up to my chest.

"Which one should I wear?" I said as I simultaneously moved the shirts.

"Where are you going?" she sat up and looked at me in confusion.

"With Jihan. He said he would be out for my birthday and he wants to buy me a gift since he can't make it to my birthday party." I said and smiled.

"Are you two dating or something?" She asked and raised a brow.

"Oh gosh, no. We are just really good friends." I replied as I applied makeup to my face.

"Well, didn't you tell me you guys kissed several times already?" Her voice filled with confusion.

"Well, yes... but that doesn't mean that I actually want to date him. I don't want to catch feelings. I got too heartbroken before and I'm not about to do it again. I guess we are just like friends with benefits," I winked at her and she shook her head with a smirk.

"Well if it's a "birthday gift" then wear the crop top and the low-rise jeans. He won't be able to resist." She said making me shocked.

"Yu Dami! Stop that! We're probably just gonna have dinner and go to a club or something. Now I have to change so turn around." I threw one of the shirts at her and she turned around laughing.


"Have fun!" Grandma said as she opened the door for me.

"Not too much fun!" Said Dami wiggling her eyebrows earning a slap on her arm from Grandma.

I laughed and waved before getting inside Jihan's car.

"Hey beautiful, where do you want to eat? My treat." I smiled at his words and brushed it off.

"Anywhere. I have no say." I gave him a cocky look and turned to the window.

He took me to a fancy place and we ate. He kept flirting the whole time. He always does but it was a different kind of flirt this time. It made me feel a certain way.

I had already put it in my head that he and I couldn't be anything but friends with benefits so I didn't really care about what happens tonight.

After eating he took me to a club. It wasn't any kind of club. This one looked quite fancy and it wasn't messy. People were chatting and having drinks and some even had costume masks on. A few were dancing on the dance floor very close. A few were making out on some of the couches.

Soft sultry music filled the air and I felt nice being here. Jihan put his hand around my waist and walked me towards the bar.

"I'll have a mojito on the rocks and a virgin mojito as well." He told the bartender and looked at me.

"You're not nineteen yet." He winked and his hand traveled down my waist sending shivers down my back.

He handed me the drink and I set it aside. I didn't want to drink anything yet. I removed his hand from my waist and walked to the dance floor.

I started dancing among all the people. I tried to look at him and he was just sitting on the stool sipping on his drink. 

How the hell am I supposed to get home now?

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Where stories live. Discover now