Chapter 12- The Truth

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Bada's POV:

My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I looked around the room. Somehow I had managed to fall asleep on Y/N's bed. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone to find a missing call from Ms. Choi.

I sat up and saw Sam working on Y/N's bulletin board. She had pictures pins, papers, and thread. She looked like a detective and I smiled.

"Morning, Bada. Did you sleep well?" She asked and I was taken aback by her ability to know I was awake even if she was facing away from me.

"Yeah, I guess. What is all of this?" I said standing up behind her.

"I have to get Y/N back. She knows too many of my secrets," she said in a joking manner.

"I just need to get her back. The thought she might be dead haunts me. I should've gone with her when she was changing," I said and she patted my back.

"We are going to find her. She's a fighter," Sam said and rested her head on my shoulder. We stayed that way for a while until I remembered the call from Ms. Choi.

"I have to make a phone call. Excuse me," I stood up when she lifted her head and I walked outside.

It was still really early so I was wondering what Ms. Choi possibly had to say. I dialed and it only rang for a second before she picked up the phone.

"Good morning, Ms. Choi"

"Good morning, darling. I needed to show you what I found inside Mr. Han's office. I'll send you the pictures now. I have to check some more things but I'll do it once he leaves the house,"

"Ms. Choi, do not risk yourself and look for things while he is in the house, please. Be very careful because if he is the person I think he is, he's dangerous,"

"I'll be really careful. Don't worry. I have to go now, bye," she said and hung up.

I waited for a while and the pictures came flooding in. Some were blurry but the majority were clear as water. Checks written as if he were my Dad. Bank statements that showed my dad making recent transactions in and out of his account but he was... dead.

"What the hell? I have to find Han," I said and I went back to my apartment.

I opened the door with the code and walked in. He was still sleeping so I made some food for him.

"Good morning," he said. I was started but I replied.

"Did you guys find anything else on Y/N'a case?" He said as sat down and started eating.

"Not much. I did find more about Mr. Han but first I want to understand, why are you helping me with this?" I asked and he offered me a piece of food but I shook my head.

"There is no easy way to say this. I believe my dad killed your family. When I left to train for JYP and you told me you had suspicions of that I got so mad at you because I thought you wanted to ruin my family but after seeing this in his company's account, I realized you might be right. I don't know how we can get the truth out of him but I want to help and make justice for your family and my best friend," he said and a tear escaped my eye.

"Maybe you shouldn't be here for when it all happens. I think you should go back to Seoul," I said and he sighed.

"I have to go get the truth out of him first. I'll try to do that before I leave. I told you I want to help," he replied and I nodded.

I showed him everything that Mr. Choi sent me and he was angry.

"I can't believe my sister is still asking him for money after all the work she's been doing in Seoul," he said and continued to look through the documents.

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Where stories live. Discover now