Chapter 5- Do You Really Care?

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Kim Y/N's POV:

(Three months later)

It's been three months now. The videos were filmed and uploaded and we gained recognition worldwide. We had students and we uploaded videos constantly.

Aiki came and gave a few classes and that rose our popularity. We were doing so good... our studio was doing amazing but... I was not.

Bada and I became distant ever since that night. I would try to approach her but she would only say a few words and walk away.

I cursed myself every day for doing something like that because Bada had become a good friend of mine and now she didn't want to speak to me. But why did it feel like she wanted me as much as I wanted her?

I wiped my sweat as I finished my last class.

"Y/N! My brother told me who he got in contact with. He said her name is Lia Kim and she said she was bringing her team." said Redlic as she ran inside the room.

My eyes lit up when she said the name. Lia Kim will be coming to give a class here. It felt so surreal as I repeated that in my head.

"I took a class with her in the 1 Million dance studio when I visited my brother once. She's good," she said.

"Can you drive me home?" she asked and I nodded. I got in my car and she followed. I drove her to her house which wasn't too far from the studio.

"Thank you, my love. I'll see you Monday," she said and I stopped her.

"Redlic, we have classes on Sunday. Don't forget." I said and she smiled at me.

"I won't be there. I have something to do that day and Lia Kim will be here Monday. I won't miss her class. Don't worry too much about me." she sent a flying kiss and walked off.

Redlic always lived like she owned the world. She acted like she was better than everyone else in everything but she truly was not. I love her and she is my best friend, but someone needs to give her a reality check someday.

I drove back to my house where Tatter was waiting for me. I wanted to talk to her about Bada and what happened that night. Maybe she had some advice for me.

We had some quick dinner and went up to my room and I explained to her in detail what had happened.

"So, you're saying your kiss was too good it scared her away?" she said and laughed.

"Tatter! Im serious. Something is going on with her and I have no idea what it is. We were fine until that day," I said and dropped my hands in frustration.

"How about you stop throwing temper tantrums and talk to her?" She said as she shoved me and started typing on her computer.

"I tried! Every time I try to go up to her she walks off. I don't know what her problem is," I said.

"Well, maybe you need to catch her when she is alone and talk. You have nothing to lose," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"You're right. I should go up to her and talk about what happened," I said and threw the blanket over my body.

"Why don't you try texting her? Maybe that will warm her up a bit," she said and I shot up from my laying position. I grabbed my phone and texted her.

Y/N: Hey. How are you?

I waited for a while for her reply but nothing came through. While working on my assignments my phone went off and I practically launched myself to it.

Bada: Tired. I'll see you tomorrow.

"UGH!" I groaned as I threw my phone on the bed.

"What did she say?" asked Tatter as she took my phone and then started laughing.

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Where stories live. Discover now