Chapter 15- Planning

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Bada's POV:

"You all may go. Let's continue next week," I said as I dismissed the class. Everyone picked up their bags and started to leave the room. I slid down the wall and gripped my hair.

"Unnie, I need to tell you something," Sowoen said.

Tatter walked into the room.

"Ready to go?" she said and I nodded as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Sowoen grabbed my arm with force as she pulled me back.

"I'm sorry but this is something I have to do now. Please let me go," I said in a soft tone trying not to be rude to her.

"But... Unnie, please... it's important," she said in an agitated tone and when I turned to her I saw tears forming inside her eyes.

"Come with me," I said and I held her hand locking our fingers together. A faint blush was painted on her cheeks and she swiftly picked up her bag.

We hopped inside Tatter's car. I sat in the back with Sowoen and she drove off.

"What did you want to tell me, Sowoen?" I said as I turned to her. It was like a knot got stuck in her throat and no word was coming out when she opened her mouth.

"I wanted to tell you this in private because it's embarrassing. Tatter Unnie, sorry if I make this weird. I'm crushing on you. I know I have to get over but I needed to actually tell you to be over it. There. Reject me now," she said as she turned to the window.

She was always such a sweet kid and we had a big age gap so I always saw her as a baby I needed to protect. I saw her as me when I was her age. When my parents died. That's why my desire to protect her from all bad things was so strong.

I do admire her for having strong emotions and honesty.

I embraced her in a tight hug. She hugged me back and I patted her head as I broke the hug. A small tear rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I can't reciprocate my feelings to you. You are truly the sweetest kid I've ever met, but I'm too old for you. You'll find someone that loves you like you deserve. However, I will always be here for you," I said. She nodded and Tatter tapped my shoulder.

"There he is," she said and I turned. Jihan was leaving his house. He had a blanket with him and some pink and purple clothes.

"He must be going to Y/N," I said and Tatter nodded.

"Should we go in? I can pick a lock," I suggested.

"Are you out of your mind? The police searched every corner of his house, what makes you think you can find something?" She said.

"I don't know. I'm desperate. Is obvious he sent me that message for me to go find her. That means she is not dead. She is with him and he knows the police told me to stay away from him. He's such a pain in the ass!" I said as I punched my leg infuriated.

"That's why we have to carefully think. We can't follow him. A person like him could easily figure out we are following him and lead us to an abandoned place when we would just kill us," Tatter added.

"Um..." I heard and jumped forgetting that Sowoen had been in the car with us the entire time.

"Actually... I know where she is," she said and I looked at her confused.

"You know where... who is?" I asked trying to make sense of the situation which Tatter thought was very stupid of me.

"I know where Y/N is," she said again and my ears couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora