Chapter 3- New Dance Teacher

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Bada's POV:

I felt a figure bump into me and I turned around. It was her. Surely it was.

It was that girl from that bar I went to in Seoul. She didn't seem to recognize me and simply bowed as she apologized and walked off. I kept my eyes on her until she entered the language arts building so I walked to my class.

"You're late again, Bada. How many times already?" the professor said as he pointed at me with a paper slip.

What is this? High school?

I took the slip and bowed before heading to the formation.

"Today we will learn about the art of contemporary dance. Contemporary dance was developed during..." He continued with the history of contemporary dance for a while.

"So let's begin with an abstract piece. Who can show me an example?"

One of the girls volunteered and she danced to a song beautifully. Even though I loved dance, this wasn't really my style so I didn't try to volunteer.

For our assignment, our teacher told us to work on a lyrical piece and present it at the end of the month. We could choose a partner or work on our own and I was kind of an introvert at school so I chose to work on my own.

I am usually always to myself anyway. It's not that people don't like me. I choose to be this way because I am afraid of losing those who I get close to so it's better to be alone. And people don't like me that much.

"Hey Bada! I always see you by yourself so I was wondering if you wanted to work as a team. It would be you, me, and five other people. Mr. Shin said that we would get extra points if we did a group dance instead of a solo." Said one of my classmates

I really needed those extra points because of how many times I had been late so I agreed.

"Great! We will practice, from five to nine in the afternoon. Maybe a bit later. Is that okay?" I nodded and walked away.

I walked to the coffee shop and then walked around. I was just making time to go to the gym and then to the dance studio where I took classes since I was younger.

When I finally arrived at the studio I was immediately welcomed by the owner. He was a kind old man who was best friends with my dad. I guess you could say he was the one of the only people close to me.

I took off my jacket and my bag and placed them inside my locker taking my water bottle before locking it and walking to one of the rooms.

As I walked in, I spotted several people warming up already.

"Okay, everyone, welcome to today's class. We will start where we left off last week. Who wants to lead?" I said as I clasped my hands together.

"I'll start. I've been working on my freestyle." Said one of the girls and I asked her to begin.

She danced and we all hyped her up. They went one after another and we all hyped them up as they danced.

"That was great! I just need to make some small comments. For those who are moving up a class next month, you may leave." The students left the class and I was left with five people.

"Okay, you need to feel the music a bit more. I don't mean to sound harsh but if dance isn't something you want to take seriously we have a different class. You are just very stiff and you look like you're doing this forced. If you want to talk about it, come to me individually." I told them as softly as I could. They bowed and left.

When I was getting ready for the next class, I saw the door open. My head immediately turned and there she was again. The same girl.

Am I crazy or why can't I get her out of my head? I must be dreaming.

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Where stories live. Discover now