Chapter 14- Only If You Dare...

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Tatter's POV:

I paced around the room. Bada was pale when we found her and according to the paramedics, her pulse was weak. I knew she was having a hard time but I didn't know she was doing that bad.

"I have news on Ms. Lee," said the doctor, and I turned to him immediately.

"Seems like she hasn't eaten or slept in a few days. What has been going on?" the doctor asked. I lowered my head feeling ashamed.

"She has been a bit off since the case of the lost girl," Sam said.

"So she hasn't eaten in a day?" the doctor said, looking confused.

"Did another girl disappear a day ago?" I said feeling just as confused.

"Yes. A girl was reported missing yesterday. She was last seen near the highway," the doctor said and we all fell silent.

"Going back to Bada. She needs to rest and eat nutritious food or she will have low iron. I'll recommend her sleeping pills. I need her to stay for today as well but you can now go see her," he said and walked off.

I walked to the room with Sam behind me. She looked like she was plotting something as she looked at her phone.

Bada was still sleeping so Sam and I sat down with her and waited for her to awake.

"Don't you find it weird that another girl disappeared?" Sam said and I nodded.

"I need to know her name. Maybe I know her," I said.

"Let's go to the station. Maybe we can find out more about her and see how her and Y/N's cases are similar," Sam suggested and I agreed. She put me up to date on everything that had happened which wasn't a lot but I still appreciate it.

Bada's POV:

I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital bed. Tatter was sitting on one side and Sam on the other.

"Let's go to the station. Maybe we can find out more about her and see how her and Y/N's cases are similar," Sam said and I sat up immediately.

"Are you feeling better?" Tatter asked and I nodded.

"Whose case were you talking about?" I asked.

"Well, there was another girl reported missing a day ago but you shouldn't be worrying right now. You should be resting. I'll go get you some food so you can eat after they run your tests," Tatter said and I nodded.

I rested against the pillows and felt my tears start flowing again. I wiped them aggressively and pulled out my phone. It was dead.

"Do you need to use mine?" Sam said as she sat next to me in the bed.

I took her phone in my hands and she placed her hand on my leg.

"You can tell me if something is on your mind," she said. I removed her hand and locked eyes with her.

"Sam, I don't know what you got going on but can you stop all the flirting? I don't like it," I said and she chuckled.

"Good. I was testing you," she said and I furrowed my brows.

"What do you mean?" I said as my brows furrowed. I wasn't in the mood to joke around.

"Listen, Y/N and I have this thing. She gets a boyfriend and I test him by flirting to see if he's loyal. It's worked a few times but men are assholes and they cheat, lie, and hurt," she said. I rolled my eyes and unlocked her phone.

I quickly looked up Mr. Han's name and there it was.

[Han Jungsik was arrested for negligent homicide and money theft from one of his investors.

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon