Chapter 8- Taste of Me

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Kim Y/N's POV:

Going back to the studio was fast. I placed my bag inside my locker and walked back out with my water bottle. It was Saturday which meant there would be no classes today.

I went to Bada's room and connected my phone to the speakers.

"Which one should we practice first?" I asked and she took my phone.

"Mino's dance. He will literally cancel his family trip if we don't get this right," she handed me the phone back and I placed my phone down.

"So for this part, I need to grab onto your arm but last time I hurt you. Could you push your arm back a bit?" I said and she nodded.

"Awesome! I'm going to call Tatter to show us the rest. I'll be right back," I said and walked to the door. I went to the restroom and called Tatter. She said she was free and she would be over in a few minutes.

I went back to the room and Bada looked upset. She pointed to the window and I saw Jihan standing next to his car as he smoked a cigarette. He stepped on it and walked inside the studio. I sighed and rushed to the door but it was too late.

As if he had run, he was inside the room. Bada stood up and I told her it was okay.

"I went to your house. You didn't tell me you would be here today," he said and I crossed my arms.

"First of all, you can't be here. You can't keep showing up unannounced every day, Jihan. Second, I don't have to tell you where I am every time I move. And third, are you drunk?" I said as I looked into his eyes and he smirked.

"You know me so well. Let's talk," he said as she grabbed my arm.

"No. You're intoxicated and you're being unreasonable. What the hell!?" I said as I felt his grip tighten.

"Jihan! Let me go!" I said and he successfully pulled me out of the room. I kept pulling my arm back but he wouldn't let me go.

"Let's talk. It won't take long. I love you so much I just need to talk to you," he said and I saw him walking to his car. His fingers dug into my skin causing me more pain.

"Fucking let me go!" I screamed as I pushed him off me. He stumbled over his steps and tripped falling to the floor. I backed off and bumped into someone that turned out to be Bada.

"Are you okay?" She said and I nodded. 

"Shit! I'm trying to talk to you! What can you not understand!?" Jihan said as he stood up.

"I don't want to talk to you now or ever. This whole thing is over. I thought you were different and I really wanted to be your friend. You're a fucking asshole and I don't ever want to see you near me again," I said and threatened to call the cops.

"Fucking bitch," is all he said before getting in the car and driving off like a lunatic. I secretly wished he would crash and disappear from my life.

"Is everything alright?" I heard Tatter ask. I hadn't even seen her pull up because of all of the commotion.

"Yeah, we should go inside," Bada said as she held my shoulders and pulled me closer to her. She brought me inside and made me sit down with Tatter next to me.

"What was that about?" Tatter said and I sighed as I took a sip of my bottle.

"He's the first guy I met when I first arrived here. We bumped into each other and he broke my headphones so her bought me new ones... long story short, we hooked up a few times. He got attached, I guess. And now he won't leave me alone. I thought we could be friends because we had a long conversation but he is still the same. Why do I have such shitty luck with boys?" I said and hugged my legs to my chest.

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Where stories live. Discover now