Chapter 4- Save the Studio

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*long chapter*

Kim Y/N's POV:

"Hey Dad, could I ask for a small loan? I just need some money to buy some stuff for a big project in school." I had built up the courage to ask my Dad for some money. Ever since I got here, I have never asked him for anything and I was almost one hundred percent sure he would let me borrow the money.

"What for, doll? What kind of project? You know I'm a businessman and I'm gonna need some gain from that loan." he said and I cursed under my breath. I stayed quiet formulating ideas

"It's for a dance project. You taught me well and I promise I won't fail you. If all goes well, I will pay you back double. If not, I will go back to the U.S. after my studies and work for your company until I repay you." I said firmly.

I heard silence for a few minutes and then a small sigh. "How can I not trust you, my pretty doll? How much do you need? I'll send it to you."

"I just need around five thousand dollars. I know it's a lot but I desperately need it."

"No worries. Let me know how it goes, doll. Love you and Grandma too."

"Oh gosh! Thank you! Love you all! Bye!" I hung up and kissed the phone.

"We got it, Bada! We have the money to start the project. Let's get a move on." I said and pulled her into class.


After class, I had already received the money from my dad. I told Bada and Tatter to meet me at the house and texted Redlic because she insisted on helping out.

I headed home and went to my room to gather some things. I picked up my backpack and went downstairs again.

"Grandma, I'm home. I will be over there with my friends for a while. If you need help let me know," I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Y/N don't worry about it. Take a break today and enjoy your time with your friends." She winked at me and I left the kitchen to set up a table in the restaurant.

After a few minutes, Tatter arrived and Bada also arrived a few minutes after her. We waited for a while more and Redlic finally arrived.

"Let's get started. We will need a few ideas on how to promote the studio. Bada had some ideas on what to do for decoration. Show us." I said and he pulled out a few pictures that she had printed.

There were a few neon lights at the bottom and the sides. Also at the top. There was a big logo on the back wall of some pictures. I had a few ideas of what to do in the studio and I pulled out my laptop to look up some lights.

"Does the studio have a logo? I can design something if not." Tatter offered and Bada accepted because apparently, the studio didn't have a logo.

"I can get my brother to give a few classes or contact one of his famous choreographers to do some classes," Redlic said and I couldn't be more grateful.

Everything was going according to plan. I was so happy. Suddenly, Grandma walked over to us and placed food on our table. We thanked her and began eating.

"Okay, I will order these lights and I will buy a camera stabilizer and we will film with my phone. I also need you to choose your best choreographies. Come up with two or three by next month and we will go on from there. We will start after the dance assignment in school. Ready? Hands in..."

I put my hand in the center of the table. They followed by placing their hands in the center on top of each other.

"Hwaiting!" I screamed and they followed my scream. Some of the customers turned to us and joined in on the scream causing me to laugh.

Possessiveness or Love (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 21+Where stories live. Discover now