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TW: mentions of sexual assault

Athena's P.O.V:

I awaken in unfamiliar sheets. Hastily scanning the room, I notice the few rays of sunshine coming through the draped window. Suddenly remembering where I am, I shove the sheets off of me and stand up in an instant. The body length mirror stares back at me and I take in my disorientated appearance. The imposter shirt I'm wearing comes down to my mid thigh and my hair is about to fall out in the pony tail it is in. Groggily, I wipe my face and try to flatten down my hair before leaving the room.

Sitting on the island bench is Marco, holding some sort of disgusting green juice. He mindlessly watches the news of the TV. I walk over to him and lean on the bench, he doesn't bother looking at me.

"You're free to leave, that's if you know where to go" He still doesn't look at me.

I leave and retreat back to the guest room and return with my notepad, " When can we leave"

"As soon as you eat something, I've put Lucia on a homeschooling plan so we don't need to worry about her but once we have breakfast we can go" He switches channels on the TV.

I nod and walk around the kitchen to look for a fridge or something edible but all I see is cabinets.

"Third cabinet to the left" He instructs.

Pulling open the handles I am revealed what must be the fridge. I pull out the full cream milk and some blueberries. Exploring the rest of the cupboards I'm able to find some Lucky Charms which probably belong to Lucia.

"Lucky charms?" He raises a brow, finally turning to me.

I shrug and pour myself some.


The ride back to base was eerily quiet except for Marco's occasional road rage. 

"Where the fuck are you" Mateo says over call.

"Went to visit Lucia, you know how it is" Marco replied nonchalantly as he glides through the streets past cars.

"No, I wouldn't know how it is. Either way you need to get the fuck back here, Stefano has put our team together" 

"Fuck, has he said why?"

"I don't know but we're aboslutely done for if he knows about what we've found" 

"Aight, we'll be there in 15"


Marco hangs up the call, "Let's see if we can make it 10" He says more to himself than anyone else.

We arrived back at base at exactly 7:52 am, the guards didn't need to do a security check when Marco drove in but when they saw me they hauled me off of the bike. Shoving me up against the wall, they forced my hands up and behind my head. 

"ID" The guard yelled, shoving his gun in my face. Scrunching my face up in a wince I try to remain as calm as I can by remaining still.

"Don't make me remind you again" This time he upper cuts me into my side. I bend over slightly but he shoves my face harder into the wall.

I open my mouth to speak but the sound of a fist colliding with a jaw makes me turn suddenly as I see Marco standing next to the guard who's resting on the floor, heaving heavily as he holds his jaw.

"Don't let it fucking happen again" Marco scowls.

I look at him with wide eyes and I can feel bruises developing on my body but I'm more focused on why he would do that.

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