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But when the end of the world came, he awakened the metal ability, and suddenly became even more powerful, and did a lot of bad things that hurt heaven and reason.

When order was gradually restored in the base, the uneducated scar head could not get a management position, and he was unwilling to live under others, so he did it alone, and selected some young and sturdy men from ordinary people as his younger brother to follow him out to hunt.

But this is worry-free, that is, not cold, not hungry.

Now although Scarhead can bully those more miserable ordinary people at will, and live the addiction of "being a human being" that he once dreamed of, when it comes to enjoyment, he can't even compare to the supper life on the street of the vegetable market in the past.

At that time, in the middle of the night, the lights were bright, wearing slippers and shirtless, coming out of the roadside stall to blow two bottles of cold beer, a handful of skewers, and the wine was strong, just on the TV, swallowing clouds and spitting fog with cigarette butts, scolding national affairs, insulting the Chinese men's football team, how could he be happy.

Now they have been eating the dried alien meat for an unknown amount of time.

The salt in the base is hard currency, strange goods can live, it is a scarce material that is finally settled in the last days, and there is no refrigerator freezer, food is not suitable for storage, only cured meat is willing to use a little.

As for canned instant noodles and the like, major cities were divided overnight, and there was still a complete industrial chain and logistics transportation.

The old food left in the city now is all due to the supermarket stock that was frantically looted at the beginning of the apocalypse.

You have to have the strength to hide and protect it, and you have to have the stamina to endure the long stream of water and eat slowly.

The most precious green vegetables, due to the destruction of acid rain and the impact of foreign beasts every night, are now planted at a low rate, which is absolutely rare. Basically, only a few people with abilities who control the management of the base can eat it.

So when Scarhead smelled the smell of spicy hot pot, his first reaction was to think that he was hallucinating.

But the taste of hot pot, especially the spicy pot taste, is too domineering and aggressive.

In the past, if friends had dinner and eaten hot pot, they might have a bumpy ride all the way home, from the coat to the ends of their hair, there was still a spicy and fragrant smell, and they had to wash their clothes, wash their hair and take a shower to fade clean.

Scarhead sniffled vigorously again, and the smell of peppercorns rushed straight into his head, causing his cravings to gush up from his stomach, saliva to come out of his mouth, and suddenly he was so hungry that he was pantothenic.

Scarhead directly raised his hand and slapped the middle-aged man with glasses on the back of the head who was walking beside him deliberately half a step behind him, and asked in a rough voice: "Hey! Glasses! Isn't it a hot pot smell? The

back of the middle-aged man's head in glasses was slapped painfully, but he didn't dare to make a sound, nodded resignedly, and said, "Yes... I seem to smell it too.

He doesn't have any special abilities, but he is a man in his prime of life, and Scarhead can take him out with him, because his wife and sister have recently committed to Scarhead, so he can have this opportunity to share food.

Scarhead turned his head and asked the other two younger brothers, and they both said that they smelled it, so a group of people raised their feet and changed their ways, dragged the corpse of the strange beast, and followed the smell of the hot pot to find it.

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