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After sending away the sunset red elderly swiping group, Zhong Youyou tore off the [Something to Shake the Wind Chime] notice on the glass and replaced it with a new one.

[The proprietor is happy and closed for a day. Zhong

Youyou cleaned up his big backpack, sorted out the big backpack pre-stored by Yibai, and received the [Eight Hours of Cross-Plane Shopping Time].

It was dark in front of me, and when I woke up, I was in the void of the plane again.

On the wall of the vast sea of stars in front of her, the options for shopping planes have been listed for her.

It's all a plane world under the ten stars of carbon-based organisms-humanoids dominating society-host similarity.

The top one is gray, and it can't be chosen, because that's the plane where Zhong Youyou was born.

Since she can't go home, she can't use her own currency, so it's the same everywhere. Zhong Youyou took it a little casually, and experienced a tearful plane jumping machine.

When she woke up, she was lying on the sidewalk like a passer-by, next to the traffic and the hustle and bustle of the city.

Taking a wild breath of familiar car exhaust, Zhong Youyou dragged the two backpacks in her hand and got up, smiling at the crowd who were watching her but didn't dare to step forward to help her.

A young lady asked her worriedly from a distance, "Are you okay?" Was it a sudden onset? Do you want me to call the police or emergency services for you?

"No, no, thank you." Zhong Youyou hurriedly thanked her, she looked at the mobile phone in her hand, and asked politely in a soft voice, "Can I trouble you?" Can you help me search if there are any gold shops, jewelry shops, and pawn shops nearby?

She was not on her own plane, and she couldn't use her mobile phone or computer, so she simply didn't bring it out in order to save space in her backpack, so she had to ask for help from kind passers-by.

Although this request for help is strange, Zhong Youyou didn't ask for someone else's mobile phone, and he really doesn't look like a liar.

After all, she just asked someone to help search for it, and the kind young lady swiped her phone to help her check.

"Turn right at the intersection in front of you, and there will be a gold shop fifty meters away, and one hundred and fifty meters from the left, there will be a jewelry store." The young lady added, "You go back, and after two intersections, there is a department store over there, and there are many jewelry sellers on the first floor. There are few pawn shops and a little far, and there are three stops away.

Zhong Youyou said thank you repeatedly, patted the dust off his coat, and hurried to set off.

It's only eight hours, which is too intense.

She is now penniless, has no identification, no mobile phone or card, and can't even sit in a car, of course, she goes straight to the nearest gold store on two legs.

She is not a fool, if she really poured out a backpack of gold, silver and jewelry into someone's store, saying that she wanted to exchange money, and there was no identity certificate, no proof of origin, no proof of purchase, I am afraid that people would not immediately call the police, thinking that she was a money launderer or just robbed back, and her brain is not very good.

It is even more impossible to take the gold directly to the supermarket to shop.

As for how to sell stolen goods on the black market, she is an ordinary citizen who has crossed the plane, where did she come from?

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