Part Ten

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While everyone was eating they were chit chatting about something then virat's mom brought up the topic of their wedding and everything.

Virat's mom:- so when will be the marriage?

She asked,

Rahul's mom:- ya exactly tell us the date.

Virat's mom:- yes we want to go shopping it's our only soan wedding after all.

Rahul's mom:- so tell us when so that we can start organizing everything.

Virat's dad:- actually we are thinking of signing the contract then we will give them a proof then we can arrange the wedding the board members will believe us when we tell them the reason of our collaboration so that would be great thing to do .

Rahul's dad:- well maybe some will believe but others will not so let's arrange their engagement first we can give them the reason then they can't question here .

Virat's dad:- good idea so when we should arrange the engagement.

Rahul:- let's do the engagement ceremony on this Saturday.

Virat's dad:- ya that's great then we can sign our contract on Monday.

Rahul's dad :- yes

Rahul's mom:- then my son's engagement is on this Saturday then we have to do so many things.

Virat's mom:- do you think that we should make it public or we are just doing this privately.

Rahul's dad:- i think we should not make it public now but we will do that on their wedding i know it's not legal in India but no one can stop us we have rights to do what we want and if we want we can do that and their are lot's of people done that in past too so it's not a big deal .

Rahul's mom:- this is great and till that time our company will become much stable then now.

Virat's dad:- yes so all done.

Virat's mom:- and when we are planning to do their wedding we have to book venue and everything we have to give invitation to relatives and all.

Virat's dad:- i think after this month is ending we will do that I mean next month on 2 nd week.

Virat:- no we can't.

Rahul's dad:- why son ?

Virat:- Because we have series from next week and that's gonna stay till the end of next month.

Rahul:- and we can't just announ that we are going to get married soon we have to tell our team and BCCI.

Rahul's dad:- it's not going to be a problem in your career right.

Virat:- no it's not BCCI can't interfere in our private life what we do in our life is our choice not their.

Rahul's mom:- then when should we arrange the wedding when will you both going to be free from all the matches.

Virat:- we are not free till three months i guess we should arrange the marriage after 3 months so it will be on February.

Rahul:- ya and new year is good for this special moment in our life.

Rahul's dad:- okey then we will do what you both want so do you guys have date or not.

Rahul:- dad what about 2 February.

Rahul's dad:- any special occasion.

Rahul:- no dad i just want it on February 2 nd.

Virat's dad:- okey son as you wish.

Virat's mom:- but who is going to live with other's family i mean who is going to be bride like bride have to leave their house na so who will do that.

Rahul's dad:- i think it will be virat because Rahul is our only son and also he manage our whole business if he leaves then who will handle that and top of that Virat is not interested in business so he don't have to do any business related work their.
So it would be fine with you or not.

Virat:- it's great and I don't have any problem in that .

They all agreed and finished their dinner then virat and Rahul wash up the utensils together helping each other again virat was teaching Rahul mostly virat was doing that Rahul also helped but most work is carried by Rahul.

( Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

And if you have Ideaa about anything you can tell me .

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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