Part Nineteen

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As their wedding was going also a sudden rush of happiness also get felt by both of them and always try to see eachother throughout the whole function.

Rahul and virat both was enjoying this each and every function meant a lot for them although it's just a start if their new life still they feel happy.

Virat was looking handsome as always his looke and kill anyone his eyes anyone get stuck in that and his figure although masculine but he can fail any girl in that too his beauty is another level.

And all over India the girls were heart broken and sad because now both of their favourite players are getting married with each other but bl fans are super happy.

Their dream come true they were on ninth cloud now and to be honest even other players of other countries came there to their wedding.

And virat's bestfriend AB Diviliars also came and virat was on ninth cloud seeing him he was his best friend after rohit they played together for RCB years and years.

Although the never win any trophi or any season of IPL still they get to each other and that matter most.

The fact is that they were always together throughout this Time and also AB was the first person he told that he was getting married and without any judgement he accepted it

Virat ran towards him and hugged him tightly Rahul knows how special bond they share with eachother because he used to play for RCB too and very welly know that how close they are typically they are eachother's brother by another mother bestfriend.

He didn't felt jealousy he understands that how much they value eachother and they were together from 2011 so it's special for them.

He also came and hugged AB Diviliars they both talked with eachother and then AB congratulated them and give them good wishes.

Then went to take shower this was their first wedding which was India style and at night it get started.

As always Rahul and Virat both were looking earth real In their wedding outfits.

They both went into mandap and then the wedding started but Rahul's sister told pandit ji to explain every mantra and vachan because they need to know it .

After that they both get married then the second wedding was at afternoon and first wedding get ended in midnight so they went to their respective rooms to get some sleep.

Then second wedding was in gurudwara which was also so beautiful (i don't know about Punjabi wedding)

Then the third wedding was in church and also the last one which was superb and then they all dance all night.

After wedding a big party was held to celebrate their wedding and to inform you all the first wedding was on 1 fed but they got married after 12 so it's clearly on 2 nd fed then the second wedding was on 2 Feb and the third wedding wedding ended at 10:30 on 2 nd Feb .

So all these three wedding was on 2 nd February which was good now they are married with each other.

Not legali but who cares we always follow our indian rituals then others.

All celebrities were happy they all understand that everyone have rights to choose their partners.

Then after all this the big party was held which went very well virat and Rahul cut the cake and then the dance performance by celebritys and their family.

And top of this the wedding cost them over 100 million.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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