Harry Edward Styles:

The waves storming inside of you, pulling you to different directions. One to the left, the other to the right. How can you find the leading one, without being split in the middle? Parted in two. The correct direction is the left, the heart says. Maybe following left will be your forever choice from now on. It's only the heart that will guide you to love.

I walked out of my bedroom seeing the breakfast table set with multiple egg choices and bread. Scrambled eggs, cooked eggs, fried eggs, omelette, could you ask for more? In the corner of my eyes, I can spot the most delicious smoothie, the 'pink raspberry love smoothie' from the smoothieplace down our street. Did we hire a chef over night?

"Oh, you are awake" Niall said walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, and on top of his head just like a turban.

"What have I done to deserve this breakfast?" I asked him as I sat down on my chair around the table. Niall found his chair as well.

"Well, I figured you are going to spend a lot of time at Tomlinson's, so when I got you for myself then we should do it in a good way, so food, what is better than that?" he explained. Had he really woken up early today to fix this for us? I would never think Niall as that kind of friend. I hope he don't think our friendship is getting ruined by Louis, a man that I might not date after 28th of September.

"Thank you Niall, honestly that is just too sweet" I told him taking a sip of the wonderful smoothie. Niall started laughing at my smoothie mustache appearing after I put the glass down at the table. I used the napkin to clean myself up.

"No Harry, you should've sent a snapchat to Louis with your mustache" Niall said handing me another glass of smoothie. The idea sounded funny, just that I have no clue if Louis is on snapchat, and I have strong doubts that he has. I can't really see that powerful dominant of a man sitting there behind the filters. Louis with the anime filter, the baby filter, the crying filter. The thoughts just don't fit in my head. I took a sip from the smoothie Niall handed me, leaving a well-known mustache once more. I took a selfie, much to Niall's admiration. I found Louis phone number and sent the picture. I put my phone down again, making sure to leave the sound on in case Louis answers. While I waited for his text back I took a bite of the slice of bread with some fried eggs on top. Me and Niall chatted about Liam, and his new Ferrari.

Louis: Dirty boy, might have to clean it for you.

Me: I think I would like that, sir.

Louis: Anyways enough joking, I was about to call you. I need you in the office today, a meeting came up and I need you to take notes.

Me: isn't that your secretary's job, not mine?

Louis: my secretary is sick, and it says clearly in your job description that if that was to happened you would be the secretary for the day. And I don't think you should consider not obeying me, dear submissive. You know what happened to that cute butt of yours yesterday.

Me: Do I get paid extra for the extra work I do sir? If not I would rather be at home with Niall, spending the day chilling on the couch letting my cute butt rest for a day. It hurts a LOT.

Louis: You was disrespectful, I punished you, that's how it works baby. I'm having Marco picking you up in 10 minutes. You better be ready, or I will give you the spanking of your life.

Me: Oh, I'm honestly so scared, I can't speak.

Louis: Those 10 minutes are now 9.

By now I understood that Louis was serious, and I was to leave the apartment in 9 minutes. Sitting by the table in my teddy bear pyjamas with smoothie around my mouth that didn't sound very achievable. Nor had I showered or put in my contacts. He calls me princess, he can't expect me to dress up with my tiara and ball gown in ten freaking minutes. So, I peacefully continued with my breakfast.

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