Chapter 2: The Fear Had Been Defeated

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She woke up the next morning on a bed, her cloth was changed, and there was a warm compress on her forehead. The mahogany walls with carvings on every single corner was how she described the room. Never once did she see this room, but she was certainly still in The Huda's house, so she didn't worry about being kidnapped or anything. She sat up slowly as she felt her body trembled and looked at herself in the mirror on the side of the bed. She was pale. Wait, where's my mask?? She was panicking. Her mask never slipped off of her face, not even in front of Huda's family. For other people this was probably just trivial things, but for Ahmya, this was a big problem. Someone opened the door, making her startled and hurriedly covered half of her face with a blanket. Soni entered the room with two bowls of cereal and instantly stunned in annoyance seeing her reaction.

"I've already seen that face of yours, ugly," he mocked her, then continued walking towards her. Ahmya didn't care about his mocking, instead she focused on her mask.

"I need my mask. What time is it now? I had to go to work," she insisted.

"It's 7.00 a.m. It's Saturday," he put the bowl on the table beside her.

"I worked on Saturday," she said with an annoyed face.

"Your job sucks," he pouted, leaning on the bedpost while stretching his legs beside her. Her forehead furrowed as she heard him comment about her job and she threw the compres to his face. Soni, who still looked sleepy, didn't see it coming. "Aww!!" he whimpered in pain as the back of his head also bounced to the bedpost.

"I live from that job, you spoiled boy!" She marched down the bed, looking for her bag to get a new mask. She found her bag under the desk and immediately put on the new mask. Soni was five years older than her. He owned a florist shop while at the same time helped manage his father's school of martial arts. He had to because he was the only child and would have to be the next successor, so in fact, he was far from being spoiled. Ahmya knew it, the reason she called him 'spoiled' was because he always annoyed her like a spoiled child.

"What's the fuss about?" An elegant old lady, Triana Huda entered the room. Her attention immediately directed to Ahmya who was standing still, knowing Triana wouldn't allow her to leave. "Ahmya, where are you going?"

"Work," she shrugged.

Triana sighed deeply, then walked towards her. "You're a very independent young lady. I admire that about you," she held her arms, yet Ahmya didn't resist. Triana was such an angel, she didn't dare to hurt her feelings by being insensitive. The least she could do was to speak with her expressionless. "but you're still sick. I've called your workplace and told them that you're sick. They understand," she explained.

"I wasn't sick last night," Ahmya said.

"It was raining last night. I thought you'd already gone home, but I remember that you would always meet me if I told you to meet me, so I checked maybe you're sitting around the corridor, but then I found you unconscious under the rain. We brought you in and I changed your clothes. You were shaking and had really high fever, so we took care of you," she told her. Ahmya was silent for a while before saying in her whispers, "thank you."

"Come here," Triana embraced her in her arms, Ahmya let her unwillingly. "You've been calling his name." Gandi... That's the only name she gave her heart to. The old lady rubbed her back as she let out a suppressed tear, "It's okay... He's at peace now." Once stubborn Ahmya then sobbed, unable to contain her sadness. Triana led her to the bed and Ahmya buried herself under the blanket. "Wait here. I'm going back to the kitchen," Mrs. Huda said to Soni. Soni sighed deeply, feeling slightly burdened with the responsibility. "Okay, mom," then he sat beside Ahmya. He waited until her mother was completely out, before he talked to Ahmya.

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