Chapter 12: The Revelation

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"I'll take it myself from here," Ahmya gazed at Ezra, then she walked towards the door they entered before.

"No, Amy, I'm coming with you," Ezra stopped her on her track.

"You've helped me enough. Thank you, but I can't keep going with you. Your presence distracts me," she walked past him.

Ezra narrowed his eyes, unamused. "What did I do wrong with you? Why did you hate me so much, Amy?" He held her hand and pulled her to face him.

"Ahmya," Triana stated and both of them looked at her in full shock. Ezra's eyes widened and Ahmya looked horrified from hearing her name stated in front of him. Triana walked up to them, took Ahmya's hands, and faced her. "I've read your gesture."

"Mother, but," Amya was panting slightly. She wasn't ready to reveal everything. In fact, if she could wish one thing, she would wish for him not to ever show up in front of her anymore, but damn fate making him keep on tailing her everywhere she goes, and the damn guy was even too resilient to stop.

"Past is the past. Whatever happened, don't let hatred consume you, honey," Triana looked at her like a seer reading her mind.

Ahmya looked down with a supressed disappointment and shook her head slightly. "I can't promise that. I'm going now," she didn't want to extend the topic and gently pulled off her hands.

"Be careful," Triana said in a low voice.

"Yes, mother," Ahmya left towards the back door and Ezra followed him. Once they reached outside the building, she fastened her steps, but of course Ezra catched up to her and grabbed her by the wrist.

"Take off your mask," he pinned her by her shoulder on a tree nearby.

Ahmya gasped as she felt her back bumped on the solid surface of the tree. "Stop following me!" She was resisting, but he only held her tighter.

"Ahmya, please," he took one step closer to her. She gasped in anticipation.

"You meet the wrong person," she put her palm on his chest to prevent him from getting closer to her.

"No. You told me yourself that you've searched your own name in a national database and there's only one person registered as Ahmya. It was you," he confronted her.

"It's wrong," she denied it. 

"You know it's right, Ahmya," Ezra forcefully hugged her tight.

"Ah," Ahmya folded her hands between them, still trying to push him away, but Ezra stubbornly pulled her even closer. "Ezra, please! It hurts..." she groaned in pain and felt suffocated, not from how tight the hug was, but the pain from the past that kept creeping into her when he touched her.

"I miss you. Leaving you was my worst mistake. I'm sorry. I just realized how much you meant to me when you're no longer around. I'm sorry," Ezra pulled off from Ahmya who was now leaning back to the tree, panting from suffocation. Ezra pinched on her mask, intending to take it off when he saw her closing her eyes and tears started running on her cheeks. He retracted his hand and sighed. "What's the point of seeing your face? Your gesture has proved everything," he let her off and before he knew it, Ahmya punched him in the face.

"You've ruined me!" She shouted.

Ezra tasted blood inside his mouth as his teeth pierced the inner skin of his mouth from the punch. He paused for a while in his current position after the punch before slowly faced the angry woman again. "I deserve it. Go ahead," he said calmly as he opened his arms, giving her way to do anything she wanted to do to punish him. "You've been torturing me and it was irritating me. I didn't know why, but now I know, so go ahead. Please, punish me," his voice shivered as determination build up in him. Nothing was more important then, than her forgiveness.

"I don't have time for you," she reached for his pocket to get the motorcycle key, but he dodged quickly.

"I'm still taking you," he took the key out and away from her.

"Give it to me, Ezra!" She growled in anger.

"You don't have much time, right? Fight me or we're leaving now?"

"Ugh! Go!" She pushed him around towards the motorcycle. He signed her to give the phone to see the pin point and she gave him. Ezra hopped on his seat and Ahmya followed unwillingly, then she wrapped her hand around him as she knew he was gonna be speeding real fast.

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