Chapter 27: The Big Plan

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Combatant's Party, that's what the party was well known for around fighters in either Bistam and Baldura cities. It was held every three years in either Huda's School of Martial Arts or Buana's School of Martial Arts alternately. The idea was initially brought up by Mr.Huda's & Mr.Buana's young fighters as a place for them to just socialize and have fun. But along the way, as some members occasionally invited their fellow fighters from other places, the party had now become the melting pot of various martial art fighters around Baldura and Bistam cities.

Ahmya never dressed up for the party herself. When she was in highschool, her friends helped her with makeup and hair for her prom. Fortunately for her, her adoptive mother was willing to help her this time. Triana braided her hair to form a bandana on her head while the rest of her soft hair fell to the side. As for her face, she didn't need anything but a little eye shadow as it would be covered by her mask, but she still applied her lip balm as usual.

Ahmya came to the hall with Soni who was proudly bringing in his beautiful sister to the hall. Her dress with no question compliments her on so many levels. Soni was already famous for his charm and authoritative figure among the disciples that always invited attention everywhere he went, and now he brought Ahmya who also had been a topic amongst them.

"Hai, Soni. Halo again, Ahmya," Caleb greeted them.

"Hai, Caleb," Ahmya and Soni replied to him almost simultaneously.

"What a beautiful lady your sister is," he complimented her to Soni.

"I guess I'm too unlucky to have to guard her everywhere because she attracts too many guys," he looked at him in an accusing manner, but Caleb took it lightly.

"Soni... You embarrassed me," Ahmya elbowed him hard at how much he pictured her as a burden. It was obvious that she could help herself. If not for him always doting on her, she would've just gone alone everywhere and she didn't mind at all.

"Aren't you gonna do some speech with Ezra? I can take care of her if you want," he offered a hand.

"Sure," Soni casually handed her hand to Caleb. Ahmya tilted her head at him in disbelief, but Soni just shrugged and curved his lips down as he left to the back stage. He must have been thinking of trolling Ezra, knowing he'd be pissed if he saw her with another man.

"You know? You've been such a topic here and then, since the first time Ezra challenged you last year," he let go of her hand to release the discomfort from her and just walked side by side with her to the nearest wall.

"I don't know and I think I don't care either," she said curtly.

"Rumors said you're kinda cold and I think it isn't true at all, but even if it does, that doesn't stop the guys for fancying you," he thought by laid her out the facts would please her, since most girls would feel special knowing them being fancied by a lot of guys.

"I don't feel like getting fancied. It annoys me," her eyelids closed half, showing how annoyed she was.

"It's on you for being such a goddess. If not because Ezra and how much your brother dote on you, men would certainly throw themselves on you, girl. Look at those eyes? They must've envied me for getting a chance to be with you right now," his eyes landed on a few men around them who were recently looking at them as Ahmya followed his sight in creep.

"I'm far from being flattered. I honestly want to get out of here," she complained, her eyes widened in creep. As just for then, she realized that she actually needed either Soni or Ezra for her comfort.

"Let's stay on the balcony. We can still watch the speech from there," he suggested.

"I'll go by myself. Thanks for the company tho," she smiled politely. His words annoyed her a bit, but Caleb was a nice guy so far, so she didn't plan into making him feel bad.

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