Chapter 14: She Cared

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Moments later, her phone rang from an unknown number. She picked it up immediately as she thought it was from Ezra. "Amy, where are you?" Finn's voice panted.

"On the ship. What's wrong?" She was alarmed.

"Pull the anchor and get ready. Coming up," he said.

"Okay," she said, then she came out to call Sam. "Sam, get ready!"

"Alright," he prepared the boat while Ahmya returned to her phone. "Where are you now?"

"Here!" She heard his voice off the phone, so she searched and found him running towards the boat, but he was alone. Once he reached the boat, she instinctively asked, "Where's Ezra?"

"He's holding them back. We must go now," Finn said hurriedly.

"You're leaving him behind??" She wasn't sure why she didn't like the idea of leaving Ezra, but it was probably because she just didn't want to sacrifice someone else's safety for her family. At the end of the day, she didn't want to owe anyone anything.

"We don't have time to fight them. They're too much. We still have a long journey, we have to reach Krutakama before sunset tomorrow!" Finn urged her.

She thought and looked around for a while, then she spotted something, "We don't need to fight them. I'll go get him. Please, wait, okay?" Finn wanted to prevent her, but she already ran out. She ran towards Sam's niece. "Hei, can I borrow this? I'll return it to your uncle later," she pointed at a sailor hat and a big unused sack.

"That would be 5 bucks," she said. Ahmya rolled her eyes, but she didn't bring her bag.

"I'll pay it later okay?" She bargained.

She pursed her lips dissatisfied. "Fine..."

Ahmya took the hat and the sack and ran into the market to find Ezra. A commotion was happening around the north, so she followed it and found him there. Ezra was running away from... she couldn't count how many people were chasing him. She opened the sack and followed him from a distance. When he reached a narrowed path and came out of it, she grabbed him quickly. She covered him in the sack and flipped the sack over. "Aww!" Ezra whined in pain as his body hit the ground from the flipping.

"Shut up and stay still," she said while wearing the sailor hat for herself. She chuckled a bit as she imagined his current position in the sack, probably with his feet hung up. Seconds later, Eric's subordinates ran past them. After a while making sure they're gone completely, she opened the sack and let him out. "Don't you ever know hiding tricks?"

Ezra straightened his posture, "There are too many of them. I couldn't find a place to hide," he said while rubbing his part of head that hit the ground.

"Wear this," she gave him her sailor hat, then she hurriedly helped him take off his jacket, mask, and bag to be put in the sack. "Take off your shoes too," she said while taking off her own bag and shoes.

"You're all blessed with good disguising skills," he praised her.

"You bother me already. Let's go!" They both walked barefooted towards the ship with their stuff in the sack. They quickly entered the ship and Sam sailed the boat off the shore.


Ocean water splashed on the surface of the boat, the tide swinging the boat up and down, making Ahmya uneasy. She didn't like the ocean, lake, or river as she was always scared of drowning. Sam was steering the boat in the cockpit, Ezra and Finn cooked the fish she bought earlier in the galley, while Ahmya stayed still in the cabin, feeling nervous by the ocean.

"Hei," Ezra approached her with a plate of fish that he put on the table. She stayed silent. "Thank you for saving me today," he sat beside her. She gazed at him and quickly retracted her gaze from him. "I remember you once said you're scared of the sea. I can help you get through this," he held her hand, but she quickly retracted her hand. Ezra's heart sank. He understood that's what he got for hurting her, but still it hurt him seeing her had to be so distanced from him.

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