Epilogue: His Secret

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The dusk air swapped her face as the cold breeze crawled in through the vent around her body, making her shivers. Her hands crawled on the bed, looking for a source of warm that she thought was there, but when she found nothing, she opened her eyes to find a cold sheet beside her. "Ezra?" She called her husband as she thought he was probably in the bathroom, but the room was quiet, so she crawled off the bed to find him.

The sky outside was dark as it was still 3.17 a.m in the morning, but Ezra wasn't anywhere, not the kitchen, living room, or even his study. She went back to the bedroom to take her phone and called him, but as she did, Ezra's phone rang. It was in his study, he didn't even bring it.

Where are you, Ezra?

Then, she remembered the moment he trained at night and ended up sleeping in Mr. Huda's hall. The thought gave her a bit of relief as she thought he probably went to Mr. Buana's hall. She wore her coat before heading out to check in Mr. Buana's school of Martial Arts, but as she was about to go out, she saw him walking up the terrace.

Ahmya waited near the door for him to enter, but once he opened the door, the cold wind outside barged in along with him, spreading a suspicious scent.

Thrills ran through her spine as her eyes met with his cold gaze. He looked at her with a frown, a bag hung on his grip, probably where the scent came from. She tried hard to look normal and understood the situation, maybe it wasn't like what she was thinking. "Where have you been?" Her voice shivered from how tense the atmosphere was.

"Why are you waking up this early?" Ezra questioned instead of answering her, making her upset.

"What are you doing outside this early? And what is that? I ask you first, so answer me. It's our first night and rather than staying with me you just chose to roam around outside??" She was pissed.

"There's an urgent situation I need to take care of, Ahmya. Now, please go back to your sleep. I need to do something," Ezra turned her around by her shoulder towards the stairs, but she slapped his hand and turned back facing him instead.

"You haven't answered me. What is that?" She pointed at the bag on his hand.

"Just my jacket. It's wet from the rain," he quibbled.

"Rest up. I'll put it in the laundry," she said sternly.

"It's too dirty. I'll clean it up myself," his remarks contradicted his previous sentence about the jacket. Ahmya narrowed her eyes in suspicion and she wouldn't give up until she got an answer.

"You haven't got enough rest and I'm your wife. Let me help you," she reasoned with him as she was reaching for the bag, but Ezra pulled it away from her.

"I said I'm gonna clean it myself," he headed towards their backyard where they had their laundry.

"What are you hiding from me?" Ahmya held his arm firmly, demanding his answer.

"I'm not hiding anything from you, Ahmya," he stopped near the stairs.

"You're bluffing," she tightened her grip. Her eyes glistened from holding up tears as she felt betrayed by her husband hiding something from her. Surely, tonight's not gonna be the first night she had been dreaming of with him.

"I'm not," Ezra said simply, but Ahmya wasn't planning to give up. She took off her coat and pushed him in anger.

"You said your jacket just got wet from the rain, but then you said it's too dirty. What rain is so dirty that you need to clean it yourself?" Ahmya pushed both of his arms alternately and as his attention distracted she managed to change his grip into her coat, so she could steal his bag off his hand.

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