Chapter 4: It Smells Like Regret

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Monday was always a busy day, because she would need to handle more orders that were pending from Sunday. Mr. Huda told her to stop working, but she insisted on keeping her job, because even though she was now living with them, she still didn't want to fully demand them financially. She didn't have anything to do with the annual gathering, so after work she borrowed Soni's motorbike to go to an archery shop. Previously, she came to Mr.Huda and asked if she could use the back garden for her to practice archery and he allowed her, so now she entertained herself shopping for the equipment she needed. On her way back home, she stopped by a grocery store to buy some groceries to fill up their stock that just got emptied from the feast.

Triana welcomed her when she arrived at home. She immediately arranged the groceries along with Triana. "You really are a very attentive girl, but you don't need to do this too often, honey," Mrs.Huda said while cleaning up some veggies.

"I'm happy doing this for the family," Ahmya said as she arranged their groceries in the fridge. "Your family has been very kind to me, Mrs. Huda."

"It's not just mine. It's ours," Mrs. Huda corrected her softly. Ahmya smiled, she just finished arranging the fridge and stood up as Triana also approached her, holding her arms. "I wish you would call me 'mother' sooner or later." As much as she wanted to feel like a real mother to Ahmya, she also didn't want her to feel forced, so she wasn't really expecting Ahmya to call her 'mother' in a close time, because surely she took a long time adjusting. However, having Ahmya to finally acknowledge them as her family was already enough for her.

"I'm sorry for wasting so much time adjusting myself," Ahmya looked down slightly.

"It's okay, honey. However you are. You're the princess in this family," she pulled her chin up, making Ahmya smile.

"I love you," Ahmya hugged her, who was caught off guard. "Mother," her next word was unexpected.

"Oh my god, Ahmya!" she pulled her away hysterically, then looked at her as if she was being sick or anything. "You're good, darling?"

Ahmya chuckles seeing her godmother's reaction, "I'm fine... Mother," she emphasized the last word, causing Triana to pull her back in her arms aggressively as she was filled with joy and excitement. They both laughed hard from the weird euphoria.

After dinner with Triana, Ahmya went to the hall where the friendly match was held. She asked for Mr. Huda's permission to spectate the match and of course he allowed it. Even though it wasn't official, Ahmya was still his disciple anyway. She walked to the corner of the room where the stairs leading to the guest room were located and she sat on the last stair to spectate them. For the closing, they paired up the two successors Soni and Ezra to fight. Ahmya knew this would be fun because she knew how good Soni was and as far as she knew Ezra also was a remarkable fighter in her school back then.

"You sure can beat me with those sting marks still on your skins?" Ezra teased Soni before the fight. He has always been very cocky.

"Nothing can make me back down, especially just a wasp sting," Soni said with authority while entering the arena along with him.

"What if we bet on this? The winner will be granted any request he wants," Ezra straightened his posture. "What do you think, sir?" Ezra looked at both Mr. Huda and Mr. Buana alternately. They both nodded in agreement.

"Whatever," Soni faced him. Soni was more mature than Ezra. He didn't really respond to his behavior, especially when he was teasing Soni. They both prepared and bowed to each other and the referee gave them instructions. The fight was tense and took quite a long time as none of them was willing to give up easily. Well, of course they're the best of their team. However, Soni was a bit distracted by the tingle of the sting marks he had, making him lose focus along the time, and the match ended with Ezra's victory. They both bowed at the end of the match, then Ezra faced himself to Mr. Huda.

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