Chapter 24: Finish What was Left Undone

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The group arrived at Bistam Airport at 10.27 a.m. A view that was unusual this year was there's someone waiting for them outside the gate. Well, not exactly waiting for them, because he was there to specifically welcome her.

"Uncle Finn, Aunt Triana, Soni, Ahmya," he stopped to hand her a bucket of roses, which she accepted and her face turned to the same color tone as the red roses in her hand. "Hi, everyone. Welcome again to Bistam," Ezra greeted them in a weird formal manner she never saw from him, making her bite her lips to hold her laughter.

"Not usually you welcome us here, lad," Finn shook his hand, looking at him teasingly.

"Well, something's different this year," Ezra rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward.

"We know what he means, darling. You wanna pick her up?" Triana elbowed Ahmya and she flinched.

"I was planning to invite the whole family if you would like to. I bring my car," Ezra said.

"Thank you for the offer, young man, but we'll be with the students. We are responsible for them," Finn refused politely.

"I'll go with them," Soni volunteered. He surely won't just let him go alone with Ahmya after what he did in the airport a year ago. His precious little burden would really burden him this time as Ezra had already dared to get bold with his actions.

"I know you care about your sister, but give them some space. They need time to bond," Triana winked at the two crush lovers as she dragged Soni back. Ahmya and Ezra giggled as they watched him on the edge of defeat. The two surely knew what they wanted.

"Mom..." Soni protested.

"She'll be fine. You'll drive along with us, right?" Finn understood Soni's worries, so he'd just make sure the two stayed around them.

"Yes, Uncle Finn," Ezra confirmed.

"See? What can be wrong?" Finn declared and Soni had to admit his defeat.

In the car, Ahmya held her flower bucket carefully as she didn't want to harm the petals. She smelled the flowers repeatedly as she loved roses so much. No matter how many roses she smelled either in Soni's garden or anywhere, her encounter with roses always felt like the first time. She adored the flower so much that it somehow made him weirdly envious. "I wish your lips touch me as often as it touches those roses," he gazed at Ahmya who was now again blushed at his remarks.

"When will you ever stop feeling jealous of everything, mister?" She said teasingly. Her soothing voice was like music to his ears, making the atmosphere around them turned sensual.

"You know what? This car uses one-way glasses," his left hand casually reached for her mask and took it off. "Pretty," he simply complimented her.

"So?" She blinked as she tilted her head to look at him.

"So, maybe when the traffic light turns red, we can continue what we left undone a year ago. I know you want it too, flower. Your eyes filled with lust when I was leaving, you didn't want it to end," without her saying anything, Ezra explained her feelings.

"They will suspect us if we don't move immediately when it turns green," she said.

"I know exactly how long the traffic lights on and off around here," he gazed at her with his predatory sight, making her squirm at her seat.

"You're such a cunning man, Ezra," her voice hoarse as she was aware of the next thing that could happen.

Then, on the next road intersection, as he expected, the lights turn red. He started counting as he unbuckled his seat belt and moved towards her. Ahmya waited in anticipation, lust filled their eyes as he landed his lips on her, relieving the longing they held for each other the whole year. She held her moan as she didn't wanna get caught. "No one will hear us, flower. Let it out," and she did as he said. He ran his fingers on her neck to her cleavage before exploring around her front. "Emmhh," her body moved along with his hand motion. "I can do the downtown if you want," he smirked as he grabbed her by her collar and continued kissing her.

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