Chapter 6: Cunning On Him

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Later that night, Ahmya opened her Mobile Warriors account. She initially planned to play one game, but then she remembered the secondary account she told Ezra previously. She switched the account and found a new message from him, Lord-e. She was already friends with him on her primary account FlickerBird, even though they never played the game together. She added a friend and there she saw him online, then opened his message.

Lord-e: Found you -E-

MuseWizard: Okay -A-

Lord-e: come in the lobby?

Then the invite page popped up on her screen and she accepted.

Lord-e: turn on vc

She took her earphone, then turned the voice chat on.

"Hei, not sleeping yet?" Ezra threw himself on the bed, feeling excited to finally talk with his mysterious crush again.

"Nope," she said simply.

"I've been playing since I finished dinner, waiting for your reply," he said in a flirty tone.

"Silly, we literally stay in the same house, yet you wait for my reply in game?" She said in a flat tone.

"I have to make sure this was really you or maybe I can come to your room to make sure?" she could hear him smirking.

"You wish," she wanted to throw up hearing how blunt he was.

"I do wish for it," his voice was seductive.

"I'm gonna play before it's too late. Have you finished talking?" She said curtly, but he didn't reply.

He started the match unexpectedly and the screen now showed count down to the match-making and If she didn't enter, her credit score would be decreased. "You surely know the consequences, Amy" he could be heard smirking again. He played her. It wasn't like she didn't expect him to do this kind of cunning, but she wasn't in a mood to be dragged into another game he made.

"Fine," Ahmya entered the match lazily. She tried to remain calm while thinking of a way to avenge him.

"Why are you so determined to hide your face, Amy?" Ezra sank himself in his pillow desperately hoping for an answer, but no.

"None of your business I guess," her soothing voice somehow gave him shivers.

"I'm gonna die from curiosity," he took a deep breath to compose himself. It was pleasurable for him to just 'enjoy' her voice, but he's not in the right circumstances to relieve himself.

On the other hand, Ahmya noticed his unstable composure, sending ideas into her mind. Of course she knew because she remembered everything when he messed with her back then and maybe this time he would learn a lesson not to mess with her anymore. "None of my business either," she said in a gentle soft voice. She deliberately made her voice soft to slowly tease him to his limit. Since he forced her into the game, she would turn the table on him. She knew well that even if he disliked her, he couldn't resist her on 'the heat' and she also knew he was pretty much limited in this house.

"Amy?" he slowly lured into her trap.

"Eh, hem?" She made a cute voice.

Gosh, that voice! He could feel himself tensing up, "W, what do you want to pick?"

"Hanako. You, Ezra?" She said in a little hoarse voice.

At the calling of his name with her tempting voice, Ezra felt his body heated up. He felt weird as he thought she wasn't speaking as cold as usual, making it hard for him to concentrate. "Ehm, I don't know. Maybe Genio."

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