Chapter 13: To The Harbor

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Brody's house was just half an hour away from Bara's School of Martial Arts. She message Soni briefly,

Ahmya : I'm in Brody's house. I've met mom. Are you aware that you're being watched?

Soni : You, stubborn... Yes, I met her too, but not long. They're watching over me.

Ahmya : I've talked with her. We should escort father to Krutakama, but you can't be too close to us.

Soni : I know, I can't risk you being followed, but what is it about Krutakama?

Ahmya : I'll tell you later. We're going to see father. Just wait for my update.

Soni : Okay

Ahmya knocked on the door. Finn opened it and hurriedly pulled them in. He was bringing a backpack ready to go. "What are you doing here?"

"This is what will happen if you leave without a message," Ahmya hugged him. "I'm so worried about you," Finn sighed and embraced her.

"Where's Soni?" Finn pulled her off.

"He's in Mr.Bara's school, but he was being watched, so I told him not to come here," she said. "We met mom too," she continued.

"When will you be going?" Ezra asked him.

"So, this is the daughter you've been talking about?" A man with curly hair, tall, and slender posture walked down the stairs.

"Ahmya, this is uncle Brody. Brody, this is Ahmya and Soni's friend, Ezra. Remember?" Finn introduced them to Brody.

"Ah, Ezra, yes, the mischievous little boy. I didn't think you'll grow to be this handsome," he tapped on his shoulder while laughing a little.

"Thank you, sir. It's nice to see you again," Ezra replied.

"He might be my son in law soon, hehehe," he gazed at Ahmya.

"Father, please, stop the nonsense," Ahmya rolled her eyes at him, feeling unamused.

"Eric's subordinates were still around here. We'll need to find a safe track, so he won't get caught along the way," Brody changed the topic.

"How many of them?" Ezra asked.

"A lot. Almost every corner of this city has one of them. You have no idea how hard it was to get him here," Brody said.

"Are you here to come with me?" Finn asked Ahmya.

"What else?" She shrugged.

"Good!" He said. Ahmya raised his eyebrows as she was surprised with his reaction. "What?"

Ahmya shook her head fast. "Mom and Soni had been preventing me from going," she pouted.

"Well, you're my princess, but I'm not pampering you," he said. "Are you coming too, son?" He asked Ezra.

"Yes, Uncle Finn," he said politely.

"Yeah, of course," he glanced at Ahmya playfully, which made her put up a bitter face. "Then we'll split up," he took out a box from his backpack. "Here. You take it. Your job was to take a bus to the harbor. Find a sailor named Sam and show him this," he gave her a badge with his name on it. "He'll take you to my boat,"

He faced Ezra, "We switch clothes. You'll be the bait. Some of Eric's subordinates saw me with this set before. Try not to get caught as long as you can, but if you get caught, as long as they don't know you are with me, you'll be good. We'll meet in the fish market later near the harbor. We can't let them follow us to the boat. We don't want to fight above the water," he warned him before returning to Ahmya, "Call Soni." She obediently called him and gave the phone to Finn. "Son, wait 15 minutes from now, then get the speed boat from Daniel in the lighthouse. Don't approach us if you're still being followed. Can you handle it?" silent for a while. "That's my son. See you on the boat," then he hung up and returned the phone to Ahmya. "Give your number to Ezra, so I can tell you when we arrive at the harbor. I can't use my phone, cause they've been tracking me."

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