Chapter 3: The Pain Bearer Was There

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"Soni, if you don't wanna help me just don't. You're ruining my stuff," Ahmya complained calmly to Soni who was barely throwing her stuff in her room. After three months she was 'adopted', Ahmya finally moved into their house. She occupied one room that was previously prepared for the expected second child who would never be there.

"Chill, Amy. Those are just clothes and books. I was gentle with the fragile ones," Soni glared at her in annoyance. Ahmya sighed deeply as she was annoyed by his attitude. Soni was basically sweet and understanding, but he also liked to tease and bully her. He seemed to enjoy seeing her mad and annoyed and those all started since she acknowledged him as brother, which she kinda regretted then. She took the last box and started arranging her stuff in her room again with Soni's help.

Then again, he acted out. He found her old diary which she herself also forgot about, but she knew the content was nothing to be shared with anyone. She rushed towards Soni right when he just opened the notes slightly. Soni clap closed the book and raised it above him away from her reach. "Soni! Give it to me!" She jumped, but still unable to reach it, so she hit him on his chest, making him flinch.

However, Soni was very determined to annoy her and they ended up fighting over that book, like literally hitting and kicking. "Mom! She torture me!" Soni screamed while curled up to protect the book while Ahmya hitting him, demanded him to return her diary.

"What the heck, Soni!" She let go of him and immediately grabbed on her diary which slipped out a bit when Soni loosened up his grip. They ended up wrestling over the diary.

"Soni! Ahmya!" Triana snapped at the two who stopped and stood up immediately. Her diary was still in Soni's hand, but surely he wouldn't read it in front of Mrs. Huda, right? They both were scolded now. "Why are you acting like little kids?" Mrs. Huda crossed her arms, staring at them firmly.

"He started it. He stole my diary," Ahmya glared at him coldly.

"I was just wondering how my sister's doing during her youth," Soni shrugged, trying to reason his action.

"You can just ask me, silly. Just admit you're looking for reasons to bully me even more," Ahmya crossed her arms and gave him a judgy look.

"Soni, give it to her," Mrs. Huda rubbed her temple, seeing her adult children fighting over trivial stuff like the kids they were. Because of how much his mother always told him about wanting a second child, Soni developed the same longing for a younger sister, making him somehow obsessed with his newly adopted sister. As for Ahmya, she never had a sibling, but since she was younger, she always expected to be born a second child after an older brother that would protect her. "Amy, arrange your room properly and Soni, stop disturbing your sister. You're supposed to help her. We're expecting guests either today or tomorrow, so both of you have to stop acting like little kids."

"Yes, mom," said Soni.

"Yes, Mrs. Huda," said Ahmya. They both replied simultaneously. "Who will be coming tho?" Ahmya asked nervously. It was just her first day at this house, yet she already had to have a guest coming.

"It's Mr. Dareen Buana and his disciples from Buana's School of Martial Arts. He is father's best friend and both schools always have annual meet ups at the end of the year simply to practice together and do sort of friendly matches with the disciples," Soni explained.

"Oh, I'll be counted out then," she sighed in relief. Ofcourse she won't be counted in, because she was not the official disciple here.

"Yes, but you sure still want to help me out to serve our guests, right Amy, darling?" Triana raised her eyebrows emphasizing her message to Ahmya.

"Sure, I don't mind serving the guests," she shrugged.

"Alright. I'm going back to the kitchen and both of you..." she pointed at the two with a warning look. "Behave," then she left the room.

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