Chapter 15: The Girl He Regretted Ditching On

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Moments later, Ezra was woken up by a little commotion in the room. Ahmya carefully woke Soni up, not knowing her voice woke him up too. Ezra kept acting asleep while paying attention to what she was doing. "Brother, sorry, can I have your time for a moment?"

He pulled his blanket up to his head to avoid her. "What time is it? You have to sleep, Amy," he growled, not liking his sleep to be disturbed. He had been chased around on the sea and all he wanted was a good rest.

"I can't... Something's bothering me. Please, just a few minutes,"and that's when she got him. If she told him something bothering her, Soni couldn't ignore and had to give up his precious sleeping time for her.

"Alright, come here," he sat up, forcing his eyes open, and tapped on the edge of his bed for her to sit on.

"Not here. Let's talk outside," she whispered.

Soni dropped his head forward. "Fine, come on," he lazily woke up and followed her to the cabin with his still sleepy head. Ezra silently sneaked out to eavesdrop on them. He was determined to know whatever thing she was up to, he wanted to be by her side, so whatever she was going to talk about, he had to know. Soni and Ahmya sat side by side. He looked attentively at his sister who looked nervous and filled with thoughts. He caressed her hair while saying, "What's wrong, Amy?"

At this point, she was still thinking how to ask him, because Ezra already knew her real identity. She didn't know if he already told Soni about that, but from how Soni interacted with her it seemed like he was still clueless about it. "It's..." she was hesitating, but composed herself quickly. " about Ezra." His jaw dropped as well as Ezra's. Ezra almost couldn't believe his ears.

Ahmya wants to talk about me, in private. Could it mean she had a slight change of feeling? Ezra thought.

"Okayy... It's very unusual for you to talk about him. Did he hurt you?" Soni suddenly lose all his sleepiness.

"I just wanna know a bit more of his background. You don't like him being around me as well. I wanna know why?" She asked, but quickly continued as she remembered something. "By the way, sorry if it's too trivial to take out your sleeping time. Maybe we can just talk about it later," she felt selfish for just realizing it. She didn't think about it before as her mind was so occupied, but surprisingly Soni didn't seem to mind at all.

"It's okay, Amy," Soni smiled, then he took a deep breath before answering her question. "Ezra is a great guy overall. He's a smart, skillful, loyal brother, and else, BUT there's one thing I despise from him, it was his romanticism."

"What's about his romanticism?" Ahmya curious. Maybe she could find out about Ezra's point of view towards her from Soni.

"He likes to play around with girls. Simply a playboy. He knows I hate that about him, so he never told me any of his girl's names, afraid I will intervene. Well, that statement proved to me that he's not the right guy to fall in love with. However, he had stopped seeing girls for years," Soni explained.

"Why?" She asked.

"He said 'my heart is trapped with a girl I cruelly ditched. My biggest regret'," he mimicked the way Ezra talked.

"Who's that girl?" She asked again

"I don't know. Like I've told you before, he never mentioned a name. What he told me was that this girl was from his highschool. He dated her for a year, 'a sensitive virgin', he called her that time. When he was dating her, he would talk trash about her, saying she was too naive and innocent, making it easy for him to 'use' her. He even promised to marry her, while he knew it's nothing more than just bullshit to make her stay. In the end, he still broke up with her after a year," Soni actually didn't like talking about him that way, but for the sake of his sister's safety, he had to tell her the truth.

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