Chapter 25: Cunning Woman

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Mr. Buana welcomed her warmly and teased her about the flower in a fun way, not letting her feel too embarrassed. He complained a bit about her not introducing herself with her real name a year ago as he just knew about it after Ezra told him. "I'm sorry, uncle, I was having my own things back then," she rubbed her neck in embarrassment.

"She's quite cunning," Soni mocked her, then she frowned and elbowed him in annoyance.

"Teenage problems. Well, welcome and please make yourself comfortable, dear," he said with a wide smile.

"Thank you, uncle," she said politely, then they went to the hall where the feast was held.

Soni, Ezra, and Ahmya sat together at the center of the front table along with other disciples. Ahmya positioned herself across the two and put her flower on the part of the table in front of her. Once they're seated, Soni slapped the back of Ezra's head.

"Man! What the heck, bro?!" Ezra whined in pain.

"What 'what-the-heck', huh? You dare to touch her behind me, jackass!" Soni snapped at him in a low voice.

"Guys! Can you just put that aside? We're in the midst of an event and you two are the future successors. For the sake of your reputation, don't act childish!" She scolded the two. Ezra moved aside a bit away from Soni, while Soni was giving him the death glare for what he did to Ahmya.

Ahmya sighed, feeling guilty on how Ezra was blamed for what they both did, so she walked around the table towards the two and slipped herself between them. She fixed her seat as she tilted her head to face Soni with an obvious unamused expression she wanted to show him and his death glare quickly turned to a surprise when her face blocked his sight.

"Soni, can you not be so hard on Ezra?" Soni frowned when he heard her while Ezra who was previously avoiding eye contact with Soni, now his attention was drawn to the siblings beside him. "I know, I know, we shouldn't have done that, but you can't just blame him. I'm in the wrong too. It was us who did it, voluntarily, so..." she was hesitating for a moment and didn't dare to look him in the eyes. Soni was a totally different person when he was angry. "If you're angry, it's supposed to be to both of us, not just him."

"It's not about who's to blame, Ahmya. I scolded you for letting him too, but knowing his reputation in a relationship, I have to make obvious boundaries for him. I don't want the same thing to repeat again. Neither you," hearing Soni's stern words, Ezra didn't want to intervene. Even after knowing the bitter truth about his past with her, Soni had been quite tolerating, so it was considered normal for him to react that way. Ezra had to know his place, at least before he made a bold move to woo her.

"I'm gonna kiss him right here, right now, if you keep intimidating him," Ahmya's voice was so stern that both Soni and Ezra looked at her in disbelief. Ahmya looked at the two back and forth before continuing. "I'm not joking. I'm gonna do it. Ezra had changed, I know it. And I know you care about me, but I also need some space for... for my interaction with, with other people," she was stuttering but covering it by crossing her arms in front of her chest to emphasize her determination.

"Go ahead do it, cause if you do, not just me who'll react, but also father and uncle Dareen. For the sake of your reputation, Ahmya, behave," Soni used her words against herself, cornering her into defeat.

"Annoying..." Ahmya frowned and pouted. She looked away from him and instinctively leaned her body to Ezra, looking for comfort. She had been arguing with Soni so many times, but never about personal things like this, and once they did, it sucked up a lot of her energy.

Ezra's eyes were widened when he saw her leaning on him. He hesitantly wrapped his arm around her and caressed her hair. He glanced at Soni who was glaring at them silently. "You two are wonderful siblings." Ahmya looked at him at his remarks and Ezra smiled at her with the sweetest smile that warmed her heart, making her melt in his embrace.

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