Chapter 28: The First Night

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Dark cloud covered the sky that night as it started pouring out little drops of rain on the earth's surface. Few drops hit on Cecil's shoulder as she just walked out of the terrace of the newlywed's house. "Wait, let me just grab the umbrella quickly," Ezra said as he rushed inside to get the umbrella.

"You sure don't wanna stay a night? It's raining already," Ahmya suggested to Soni.

"And interrupt your first night? No way. Even if I have to walk home under a big storm, I'd rather be than ruining my sister's first night," Soni raised his eyebrows teasingly and Ahmya smiled shyly.

"Don't forget to wear that lingerie I gave you," Cecil winked at her mischievously. She already opened the gift box from her, it was sexy lingerie that she wanted her to wear on their first night as a married couple.

"Cecil!" Ahmya's eyes widened at her bluntness and she flushed red.

"Wear what?" Ezra came out with an umbrella big enough for the couple and handed it to Soni.

"You'll know later," Ahmya said sassily.

"Alright, we're going now," Soni walked to hug Ahmya who hugged him back tightly. "You're still my little burden. If that jackass hurt you, tell me," he said while glaring at Ezra in a playful manner.

"He won't hurt me. I'm gonna miss you tho," Ahmya said as she pulled off of him with a sad face. There would be no more trolling from this annoying brother of hers and surely it would be a weird empty day without it.

"I'm gonna miss you too. Don't worry. Our warfare never ends," he said jokingly, making her giggled. He then let her step aside to hold Cecil. Soni turned to Ezra and hugged him. "I'm proud of you. Take care of her, okay?" he said.

"Sure. Thank you, bro," Ezra said. 

Then the couple squeezed themselves under the umbrella and walked down to their car. Ahmya and Ezra waited until the car drove to wave their last goodbye before seeing them gone in the distance. "Finally, just two of us," Ezra pulled up her chin towards him without a warning and she gasped in surprise.

"Please, excuse me, mister. I need to prepare myself," she said teasingly as she pulled herself off him and walked inside their house, leaving Ezra who was standing still, watching her every single move with a smirk and his predatory eyes. He looked around as the rain gradually got heavy. The sound of it was peaceful and he remembered when he and Ahmya were still in highschool, they always called each other during rain only to enjoy the peaceful sound it was bringing. It was the age of irony, knowing how genuine the attention he had for her that time, yet he didn't realize it was all because of the true love he had for her.

As he was about to enter the house, he saw a glance of a familiar figure in the woods across from him. He narrowed his eyes to the direction to spot it, but then he saw nothing but bushes and trees. His face turned serious as he thought about the figure, then he walked inside and locked the door behind him. Ezra clenched his fists in anger for a reason that only he knew.

He arrived in front of their bedroom with the door slightly opened, in which from it he saw her from her back. The woman he loved the most, sat in front of the mirror, brushing her hair, preparing herself for the night, wearing lingerie that her future sister-in-law gave her for their first night. The view only already gave him peace. One step he entered the room, he believed all his burden would vanish into thin air.

"Are you just gonna stand there and look?" Ahmya's soothing voice woke him up from his reverie.

"How did you know I'm here already?" He walked in and she just smiled. "I feel your presence," she tilted her head to see him behind her while her soft hair fell gracefully to her side from the motion.

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