Chapter 19: Cancer Seeds

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Two hours had passed since they reached the island and the sun waved them goodbye with its yellow purple wings before setting off from the horizon, leaving the sky in darkness, and so her heart. Few hours felt like years since Ezra ignored her and did not even bother to glance at her. Why should it bother her though?

They stopped for a while to rest and share some sweets and water to recharge their energy. The moon that night was bright, shining enough to show them their track. They had a flashlight, but didn't use it to avoid being tracked. "So now we're here, what's the plan, dad?" Soni asked and they all were drawn to the question since none of them really knew what the plan was.

Finn explained all the details they need to do. First, they'll have to reach the Balaxyte source of mining. Second, they'll have to wait for the Nemura constellation to form, but none of them ever heard about it except for Finn, so they'll just follow his instructions later. Then, they'll wait for the signal from Triana. "The balaxyte cave was no ordinary cave. It's connected to the caldera's abdomen which if the balaxyte ever falls, the mount will instantly erupt from the reaction."

"Is that why Krutakama has been always erupting massively?" Ahmya asked.

"Yes, that's why the government is not allowing this island to be a habitat. Nobody knows the reason behind those instant eruptions was the Balaxyte cave. Triana knew it when she first mined the Balaxyte," Finn explained.

"Why does aunt Triana never report about the finding? Krutakama island was indeed uninhabited, but it's also part of the ring of fire, in which could also have affected other volcanoes activities," as a chemist himself, Ezra understood that it was any scientist's obligation to inform their findings about certain aspects to the government, especially when it's related to the safety of the civilization.

"The same reason she didn't tell Eric. She doesn't want information about the Balaxyte falling into the wrong hands. She had planned to vanish it a long time ago, but it takes time to prepare and also because the Nemura constellation is not easy to predict. It appears almost with no pattern," Finn explained. Soni and Ahmya looked at each other, expecting the other party to have any knowledge about Triana, but it seemed like both of them had the same level of confusion.

"What's the constellation has to do with us vanishing the balaxyte and will we be mining them out? We don't seem to be prepared for that," Ahmya asked.

"No, Triana has her own way," Finn answered briefly.

"But mom is not even here," Soni stated.

"She will. You'll understand when the time comes. Just make sure all of you keep your mouth zipped about the thing you'll be witnessing later, or else Triana might be in danger," Finn warned them.

"Sshh! I heard footsteps. Go get a hiding," Sam warned everyone and they splitted up to find their hiding spots. Ahmya quickly climbed on the nearest tree and squeezed herself between the branches while the others find a bush or big rock. She could see all of them from above. There were eleven men looking for them and one of them was Eric himself. Finn hid between thick bushes and to his bad luck, two of Eric's men walked towards it, but when they're about to check on the bush, Ahmya shot an arrow to one of their feet. They all looked at the direction of the arrow and started wandering around her tree, then Eric commanded one of his man to climb up.

Eric smirked as he saw a glance of her shoulder popped out from the cover. "Find the others," he commanded his men. Ahmya noticed that she was caught, so there was no point to hide anymore. She revealed herself and shot arrows at some of his men. She climbed down and struck the one man who was climbing after her.

"Dad, I think you should go first. We'll hold them here. Tell me where the direction of the cave is. We'll catch up," Soni suggested and Finn agreed. He briefly told him the track, then he jumped out to knock out some of the men as well as Ezra and Sam, meanwhile Finn waited for the right moment to flee. Eric called on the rest of his men, again, they're surrounded.

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