Chapter 10: The Balaxyte

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"They know something about the project file. I think it must be in the computer," Ahmya led them to the computer, then Soni turned it on. Ahmya observed him from top to toe with a suspicious face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He noticed her expression.

"Don't blame me. I was just attacked by someone whose face is exactly like you. I need to make sure," Ahmya said seriously. She then told him to open the last opened file history on the simulator software. Soni was about to click on the first list when Ezra interrupted.

"Wait, check the third one there," he pointed at the third latest modified file named 'balaxyte'. At this point, Ahmya saw the slice of his fingers and the blood still flowing out of it. Soni opened the file and Ezra observed the simulation, while Ahmya left to the bedroom to find something for his wound. She returned in a few minutes with gauze rolls and alcohol, right when they finished watching the simulation.

"Balaxyte is a space rock that was made from unique and powerful unknown elements. The element remained unnamed until now, because scientists believe it was too overpowered for humankind and can cause massive destruction. Even we can't find any record about it, either about the element or the scientist who discovered it. Most chemists think it is just a myth even though there are still few people who believe its existence," Ezra explained.

"How did you know all of this?" Ahmya asked Ezra with a suspicious look, seeing how knowledgeable he was about the topic.

"I'm a chemist," he said. Ahmya let out a little 'oh' and he continued, "Budding chemist, but I'll grow bigger."

"I don't care," she said coldly, then she pulled his wounded hand forcefully.

"Aww! Slowly, can you?" Ezra whined in pain as she held his wounded hand roughly.

"Stop whining. You sound like a girl," but then she softened her touch and handled his wound carefully. In the midst of it, she glanced at him with an attentive look, but quickly retracted her sight. Ezra blushed seeing how attentive she was as this was the second time she'd been fixing his wound. As for Ahmya, she didn't know why she suddenly looked at him that way. She told herself that she hated him and that look she did probably just because she was fixing his wound. Once she finished, she let off his hand carefully, "Done."

"Thank you," Ezra said sincerely, but Ahmya ignored it and turned her attention to the computer. Soni, who had been a spectator for a few minutes, raised his eyebrows seeing the two's awkward interaction. He was tempted to tease Ahmya, of course, but he chose not to as to focus on the matter about the Balaxyte.

"From the simulation it seems like they're doing something with the human body. Sort of genetic mutation," Soni concluded his thought. Soni was a bachelor in Biology, so he understood the human body. However, unlike Ezra who continued his career in his specified field as a chemist, Soni chose another pathway to be a businessman.

"Have you heard anything about the element's ability? Maybe some rumors?" Ahmya asked Ezra.

"It's somehow irrational, but I heard that if it's put into a reaction, it will enhance the reaction result, something like that. I don't know, I can't even properly explain it," Ezra answered hesitantly.

"Like a catalyst?" Soni said.

"No. Catalysts only increase the reaction rate. It's more like... For example you can create a plastic that can hold up to 5kg weight with a certain reaction, but if you use the unknown element to it, with the exact same reaction you can create a plastic that can hold up to 50kg or maybe more," Ezra explained.

"So, let's call it a booster?" Ahmya concluded.

"Yeah, that's more likely its function. But again, I can't make sure, cause it was just a rumor I heard around. No textbook," Ezra clarified.

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