Chapter 11: Finn's Heading to Krutakama

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After two hours, they stopped to rest on a mountain road side. Ahmya took out a sandwich and sat behind him, "Don't look back," she said while taking a bite.

"Can't promise," he said. Ahmya ignored him. "The kiss wasn't genuine," he said as he took the first bite of his sandwich.

"I wasn't trying to be genuine. I just need to shut you up," she said coldly.

"Mark my words. I'm gonna tame you one day," he said in a serious tone that somehow sent shivers to her body, reminding her of the days he owned her and toyed with her as much as he wanted. She wouldn't let him this time, but his certainty made her think, what if she'd fall again?

"On the day you die, I'll genuinely mourn for you," she replied sarcastically.

"Soni was right. You're no princess. It's good tho, because if you're such a princess, we'll be fighting over you right now," he said, but Ahmya ignored it.

Ahmya finished her sandwich then took some gulps of water. Ezra listened to everything she did and after he thought she had finished everything, he turned around, Ahmya who had not covered her face was startled. She quickly lifted up her mask from her chin, but she accidentally splashed water on her own face, causing her mask to get wet.

"Uh oh, sorry," Ezra laughed while looking for her new mask in the bag. He approached her and touched her face. The wet fabric stuck to her skin, making him able to feel the shape of her face.

Again, Aymya felt her whole body painfully electrocuted by the bitter memory of her past. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she spoke to him. "Stop, Ezra. Every touch you do will only hurt me," she said in a low voice. Ezra lost his smile in an instant. This time, her tone of voice was very stern and deep, full of seriousness as if it was an actual thing that could kill her. "You're no more than my brother's friend. Don't expect too much," she backed away from him.

"Is it because of your past lover?" Ezra asked her emphatically.

"No. It's because I hate you and you have to keep that in mind," she said coldly. She took her bag and the new mask from his hand, walked away and turned around to change her mask. Ezra was stunned, contemplating on what he had done to make her hate him that much. His shoulders fell and his hands hung weakly beside him. His face was filled with disappointment. "If you're heartbroken and don't wanna continue, you can go back, but I'm taking the motorcycle," she said to him while heading towards the motorcycle. Ahmya reached for the motorcycle, but with a quick maneuver, Ezra hopped on the driver seat.

"I'm still taking you there, hop on," he said shortly. Ahmya followed as he said without saying anything. The journey continued in full silence. Ezra focused so much on the road, relieving his anger and disappointment through the speed, left the air around him behind along with his unspoken sorrow. He was so heartbroken, but he still couldn't leave her. She effortlessly made him so attached to her.

They arrived at the Bara's School of Martial Arts earlier at 9 a.m faster than they'd expected, because of how fast Ezra was. They sneaked around the building to check on the situation and found a back door in which they entered carefully into a room that they thought was a living room. This place was plain and simple with most of the walls and floors were covered with marbles. "You should've left him years ago and chose me instead," a deep voice heard from the front entrance. Ahmya and Ezra quickly hid in a storage room.

"You're the one who broke me up, Eric. Remember?" a familiar figure entered the room and sat on a wooden chair. It was Triana and beside her sat the man that she called Eric, who was now wrapping his arms around her. Ahmya gasped, not believing the view she saw. Her godmother had an affair with another man while she was worrying about her safety. Triana let him lean her head on Eric's chest while also letting him caress her hair. But why? Wasn't she kidnapped? Where's father? She asked herself. However, she tossed away the thought, maybe there was something that she didn't know yet.

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