Ashton Imagine Part 2

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But I didn't black out yet. Ashton? I thought to myself as I saw him lift his head and trying to get out of the metal restraints that he was pinned up in that were attached to the wall. His feet couldn't even reach the floor from how they tied him up. Wait he was having a panic attack. He frantically looked around into the darkness to see nothing but Zayn next to him in the same position as him except he was still passed out with his head dropped. He then looked at where I was and he lost it when he saw Michael naked with a smirk on his face before looking at me but I was so weak so it looked like I was passed out naked as well."What did you do to her!" He yelled as Michael approached him with a look of amusement on his face. Ashton winced and gasped for air. When he regained his composure he glared at him."Isn't it obvious." He said motioning to my body. Which only set Ashton off more. He pulled on his restraints and then stopped."When I get out of these you are going to-" "Not that that matters or anything but I screwed your girl right in front of you." Michael smirks at Ashton. And if looks could kill- Michael would be dead by now."You knifing-""Ash- your words mean nothing to me right now. Yet that's something you and (y/n) share in common. You two both don't know when to shut up along with sending empty threats that you both cannot fulfill. It's sad if you ask me and a littleeee- pathetic." He explains before turning on his heel."What did you do to her!" He yells."Don't worry about that Irwin. I screwed her and she took it." He smirked again before walking away."Michael I swear if you hurt her in any way I will-""You will what." He said in a threatening voice to taunt Ashton."I mean I've already punished her." He said before motioning to me with his head. Ashton sees my stomach and loses it. He tries harder to pull out of his restraints but fails again which gets Michael's attention."Oh give it a break Ashton. You can't get out of those even if you tried." Michael said rolling his eyes."Fuck you." Ashton spat before wincing again from pain."What did you do to me." Ashton says again before panting."That's for me to know and you to find out." Michael says before sending Ashton a wink. Walking off again."Oh and Ashton..did you know that (y/n) was a virgin? Man if I only knew beforehand..oh well wouldn't really matter since I've already banged her." He says with a cocky smirk on his face."You fucking prick!" Ashton booms tugging at his restraints again and again and again. Michael continued to get dressed but only made it into his boxers and pants. He stopped letting out an exasperated sigh before taking a cloth and a ladder to Ashton. He pours chloroform into the now soaked rag and makes his way to Ashton with the material behind his back."Awe Does Ashy pooh need another nap?""Don't fucking call me that." He seethed."Hmm you didn't answer my question so I take that as a yes. But don't worry I'll take care of your girl." He says with another smirk."I'll punch that smirk right off of your face." Ashton threatens."I don't think it's possible so good luck with that." Michael adds before climbing the ladder. When he made it to the top he watches Ashton."Damn your back looks like shit." Michael says examining it."Anyways, nap time Ashton." He says before showing the rag to Ashton. He immediately pushes it into Ashton's face as he glares at him."Come on Ashton its time to go to sleep." He says in a low voice as Ashton's eyes start to close slowly before shutting completely. Michael removes the rag and places it into his back pocket as he then climbs down the latter. Ashton's head drops back down and stays."That's what I thought." Michael says before making his way over to me. I closed my eyes to make it seem as if I didn't see anything and steadied my breath. But it was then a deafening silence. It was too silent."Shows over (y/n)." He says and I freeze and my blood goes cold as I then squeezed my eyes closed."You'll never learn." He sighs before taking the rag out again and forcing it to my face I immediately opened my eyes before struggling against the rag again as his dark green eyes glared at me. I fell out once again but this time he got me."That should've knocked you out for good." He says in his low voice as everything went black and I go unconscious.-When I woke up I was no longer tied up in chains or rope. I was weakly sprawled out on the concrete floor. I looked up and met eyes with an amused Michael who was playing with his knife- making the sharp end spin on the table repeatedly as he watched me with his green eyes.He sighs and gets up before throwing clothes at me. "Put those on." He commands as I just stood in the same position frazzled. "I don't think you heard the the first time." He says with a little small laugh. "Put the damn clothes on before I do it myself!" He booms causing me to flinch. I take the shirt and put it on along with everything else so I was now in a black tank top with dark shorts and tan timberlands. I sat back down looking down at my hands before Michael's voice interrupts. "You know. I'm still the same Michael-" I laughed humorlessly at his remark before he continued. "Some things- I can't control-" he says as if hinting at something but I ignore it. "Let's get straight to the point. If you were Michael- the Michael that I use to love- my best friend- then he wouldn't be doing what he's doing now. Michael didn't rape his fucking best friend or kidnapped any of his friends- he wasn't so twisted in the head to side with a fucking killer!" My voice elevated. "Michael would never torture or punish anyone in anyway at all but its pretty clear that it will never be you." I spat as I glared at the red haired boy who was glaring at me as well. "I will not let you down talk me like that." He threatened. "The truth hurts." I said before he throws the knife and I glare at him. "Listen here you little bitch. Don't say anything else if you don't know what you're saying." He threatens again. "Or what? You'll rape me again? Beat me? Or threaten my unconscious boyfriend!" I yelled out as he then swung his fist to my face. "I told you to shut up." He says in a scary dark voice. I cradled my face as tears fell down them. I looked up at Ashton and wanted to cry even harder at his position. I looked at Zayn and broke down. He didn't deserve this. None of them did. "Oh stop crying. That's all you do- cry." He says carelessly. "Fuck you." I said before curling up and resting my head on my knees crying even more. I'm so sorry Ash. You don't deserve this. You Zayn and Luke. Oh no- Luke. I cried even harder. It's okay. I still love you. I hear Ashton's voice say in my head as I watch his unconscious body.When I turned my head Michael was right there with a gun now aimed at my temple. "Go ahead. Do it." I said giving up. Watching my boyfriend instead of him. "Look at me." Michael demands and I ignore him. "Look at me before I fucking blow yours and his brains out!" He yells will the gun pressed to my head. "FUCKING DO IT THEN MICHAEL! FUCKING SHOOT ME TO GET IT OVER WITH! IM DONE PUTTING UP WITH YOUR SHIT!" I boomed glaring at Michael who was giving me the deadliest look he's ever given. "Wish granted." He simply says before taking the safety off. "Anything else you have to say before-""What's going on here? Why am I tied up? Where am I?" Zayn says before looking over towards us. With Michael's gun aimed at my head."Zayn, everything will be okay." I said as he watched with wide eyes. "(Y/n) he has a damn gun aimed at your head and you're telling me that everything will be okay. Bull shit." He says glaring at Michael. 

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