No (C.H)

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It's been three weeks since you and Calum both came back from vacation. You were planning to unpack and just do a whole deep clean in the entire house. Calum, of course, offered to help and it seemed durable for you both.

Here you are, picking up scattered clothes and towels from the house while Calum laid across the couch, playing fifa on his console. You roll your eyes, continuing to clean up.

You were nowhere near done but it was a start. You take the clothes and place them into the laundry room and start on the first load.


It's been approximately two hours and you were still cleaning up. Calum stayed on the couch scrolling though his phone on twitter, laughing at dog videos and retweeting Michael tweets. You hear the familiar sound of buzzing coming from the washer and a few seconds later, the dryer. You ignore him when he calls your name and walk back into the laundry room, placing the tan bin onto the dryer and stopping both buzzer to take the clothes out of the dryer to place into the bin and taking the warm wet clothes to place into the dryer. After that you take the bin and walk into the living room. You see Calum in the same position still and sigh heavily. You toss the bin onto the table on purpose, the noise getting his attention. He turns his head and looks to you.

"Yes?" He asks, locking his phone and placing it onto his tummy.

You give him an expectant look and he gives you the same one. You let out a sigh, "Aren't you forgetting something?" I ask and he smiles. He gets up and walks towards you. He holds your chin with his thumb, and two fingers. He makes sure you're looking into his brown eyes before pulling you in to a kiss. He slips his tongue in and grips your waist tightly with his right hand.

After he pulls away you frown. "What?" He asks.

You were flustered from the kiss.

"That wasn't it," You deadpan and he frowns.

"Oh," He smirks at you and you glare at him. He caresses your arm and you give him a fuck off look. "What can I do to help?"

"You were suppose to help me clean up Calum," You say, walking past him to grab the bin on the table.

"Shit, babe, I'm sorry, I forgot," He says with a frown.

"I guess you can help another time-" 

He takes the basket from you and walks to the room you both shared. You smiled, watching him put your needs first.

"No, that starts now." He says, starting on folding the clothes. You get ready to leave when you hear the buzzing and he stops you, "No babe, I got it. Relax," You smile sheepishly at him after he places a kiss to your cheeks and walks out with the empty bin to get more clothes.


AWEEEEEEEEEE that was so adorable! Lol probably said that because I'm a Calum girl. Oh well. vote leave comments and follow me for more beautiful people, bye!

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