Alex (A.I)

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Authors Note: This imagine was requested by @alexisawerido . Hope you like it girl lol. I am so sorry that I uploaded this late. I thought I published it. ENJOY!



"Ashton what are you doing?" You ask, seeing this look on his face that you couldn't put into words.

He smiles. "What?" He comes up to you sweat visible on his face and body. You feel his arms wrap around you and you squirm uncontrollably from disgust.

"Ashton, that's so disgusting!" You squeal, feeling him bury his sweaty head in your neck.

You two were currently at the gym, working out. Ashton made a bet with you saying how you couldn't exercise with him for a month without eating junk food. You loved the challenge so you agreed to do it along with motivating yourself. Whoever lost has to tweet something embarrassing about the other and leave it there forever without saying if it was true or not and it could never be deleted or else it would be replaced with a more embarrassing one. It's been half a month so far and neither of you caved which was a good sign, meaning the competition was getting worse. You and Ashton were both competitive and he was doing his best to make you cave. He took you to places with the best pastries along with Starbucks. You both tried to make each other cave in by sabotage.  

"You're suppose to love me!" He yells, getting stares from people who were stretching.

You laugh at him and shush him. He smiles back at you and gives you a peck on the lips. "I do Fletcher."

He frowns and fake scowls at you, "Hey no name calling!" He says and you laugh.

"It's not name calling if it's your middle name Irwin."

"Okay Alexandria, you win," Now it was your turn to glare at him.

"That is not my name," You roll your eyes and take your gym bag, getting ready to leave the gym with him following you behind.

"Sorry Alex, but you started it babe," You walk to the truck and he places his hand over yours when you touched the drivers door.

"What," You snapped.

"I drive, remember." You groan and get inside on the passengers side. This bet is stupid. That's right, you weren't allowed to drive his truck during the bet.


It was 7:21 p.m and the sun was nearly set so you two were about to finish your day with a jog around the neighborhood. You start your music and begin your run, leaving your boyfriend behind, knowing, he'd catch up with you with his long legs. You turn the corner and continue running as you listened to blink 182. Ashton stayed behind you during the entire run and when you made it around the fourth block, you were ready to go home, you kept running with a silent Ashton behind you which was never a good thing. You're half a block from your home and you realize why Ashton is running behind you.

"Ashton stop staring at my ass," You deadpan, pushing yourself further so you could get away from him.

"But I need motivation!" He yells running a bit faster with ease.

"Ashton!" You squeal when you feel him slap your butt. He sends a wink to you before taking off ahead of you to finish off your run. When you make it home you're exhausted and your legs felt like jelly. Ashton unlocks the door and you immediately begin to strip your clothes for your shower. Sweat clung to your body and you were disgusted even though it was yours, you felt so dirty which made you cringe. You ran the water to the shower and hopped in while Ashton got the gym bags from the truck, you lathered your body in soap and scrubbed until you felt clean, your brown locks tied into a messy bun to avoid the water. You didn't even notice Ashton was in there with you until you felt his hands on your waist.

"Ashton," You say sternly as his hands roamed your small frame.

"What?" He murmured into your neck.

"Ashton no," You say again.

"But I-"

"You're what?"

"I'm horny," He mumbles and you roll your eyes.

"Ash, that's your problem not mine," You reach for your rag when you hear him groan. You rinsed your body off and began scrubbing your body again.


"Ashton," You repeat.

He turns you around and slams you into the shower wall, glare clear in his dark eyes. "Alex I'm not playing,"

"I'm not either," You say unfazed by his actions.

"Alex, please," He pleads and you roll your eyes. I guess now was the right time to tell him.

"Remember our agreement?" You ask and he nods his head slowly. "Well you did your part by saying I can't drive your truck until after the bet," You continue and he has this lost look on his face, trying to follow along.

"What does this have to do with the bet?" He asks and you smile.

"Well I never said what mine was for you," You say trying to see if he catches on and just like that he does, and he didn't look happy, "Are you kidding me," He deadpans.

"No sex," You say and he drops his head.

"But what am I suppose to do?!" He asks, worry clear on his features.

"Well you can do it how a normal person who has never had sex before would orrrr you could just do this." You take his hand and kiss his lips to the point where you were both making out, you made sure he was under the water before you switched it to cold. He bites your lip from shock and his body tenses from how cold it was. You leave the shower and dry off before putting on one of his band tees. Afterwards you eat a quick meal and get into bed with him following after.

"I don't like you right now," He grumbles, slipping into bed.

"Awe, Ash, come here," You whined, feeling sorry for him.

"No, you don't deserve my lovin," You wanted to laugh at him but he was being so serious so you bite your lip, holding it in.

"I'm sorry baby,"

"No you're not," He says, Aussie accent clear. It was so adorable. All you wanted to do was snuggle with him.

"Please Ashton," You whine and he turns the opposite way, away from you.

"You're a terrible person!"

You cover your laughs with your hand but you think he hears you because he turns around.

"Are you laughing at me?!" You shake your head and let your laughs out.

"Oh you are so going to regret that one babe," He immediately climbs on top of you and begins kissing at your neck.

"Ashton what are you doing!?" You laugh with him being dominate.

"What does it look like I'm doing!"

"But you're going to lose the bet!"

"Fuck the bet," He growls removing his shirt that you wore.

"Hey no swearing!" You say, mocking him whenever you slip up.

"Shut up Alex," He laughs.


Authors Note: Cool Kids are Kids who do Cool things.

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